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Article: Live Review

Alexander Hawkins Trio al Carambolage di Bolzano

Read "Alexander Hawkins Trio al Carambolage di Bolzano" reviewed by Giuseppe Segala

Alexander Hawkins Trio Piccolo Teatro Carambolage Bolzano 14.11.2016 Il trio del pianista britannico Alexander Hawkins, al Piccolo Teatro Carambolage di Bolzano per la sua unica data italiana, ha offerto una performance intensa e generosa. Materia per fruitori attenti, nella quale si coniugano in modo del tutto originale e coerente ingredienti presi ...


Article: Album Review

Evan Parker / Alexander Hawkins: Leaps In Leicester

Read "Leaps In Leicester" reviewed by John Sharpe

Leaps in Leicester furthers a sequence of duets between renowned saxophonist Evan Parker and pianists that already contains such luminous entries as Rex, Wrecks and XXX (Rogue Art, 2013) with Matthew Shipp and Either, Or And (Relative Pitch, 2014) with Sylvie Courvoisier. His partner this time is Alexander Hawkins, a burgeoning presence on the UK scene ...


Article: Building a Jazz Library

Jazz From Around the World: Africa

Read "Jazz From Around the World: Africa" reviewed by Hrayr Attarian

There is no doubt that African heritage, particularly that of west Africa is at the root of jazz. This is simply factual and is not meant to belittle the contributions of other cultures to its growth and development. In addition, as a genre, it has proven to have a wide universal appeal. For both reasons jazz ...


Article: Album Review

Kali. Z. Fasteau: Intuit

Read "Intuit" reviewed by Mark Corroto

To pigeonhole a musician is to ghettoize a music. But we all do it. Yes, Kali Z. Fasteau is a pianist, but also a drummer, a cellist and a flutist. From her twenty plus recordings she refuses to be fixed with a descriptor. She also performs on the nai, kaval and shakuhachi flutes, is a vocalist, ...


Article: Jazzin' Around Europe

Bergamo Jazz 2016

Read "Bergamo Jazz 2016" reviewed by Francesco Martinelli

For the first time under the artistic direction of trumpeter Dave Douglas, the 38th edition of the Bergamo Jazz Festival--one of Europe's longest running jazz events--invaded the ancient and noble city in the North of Italy with a joyous celebration of the music's diversity. The beautifully restored Teatro Sociale in the Città Alta--Bergamo's ancient ...


Article: Album Review

Vijay Iyer & Wadada Leo Smith: A Cosmic Rhythm With Each Stroke

Read "A Cosmic Rhythm With Each Stroke" reviewed by Mark Corroto

The expansion of the mind, or better yet, consciousness, can come from multiple approaches. Prayer, physical activity, hallucinogenic substances, and mathematics are but a few routes. All seem to distillate to one essence, that is quiet, the emptiness of silence. For prayer or meditation, the quiet is obvious. But also, great scientists and athletes tell us ...


Article: Album Review

Matt Ridley: Mettã

Read "Mettã" reviewed by Roger Farbey

A graduate of London's Trinity College of Music, this is in-demand bassist Matt Ridley's second album as leader. On “Music To Drive Home To" Jason Yarde plays a repeated plangent melody on soprano saxophone followed by John Turville elegantly soloing on piano. As its name implies “Lachrymose" is something of a tear-jerking exercise with Yarde squeezing ...

Article: Album Review

Canto Generàl: Rebel Flames

Read "Rebel Flames" reviewed by Neri Pollastri

Uno dei migliori CD usciti nel 2015, anzi forse il migliore tra gli italiani, è questo live di Canto Generàl, ospite alla batteria Louis Moholo-Moholo, con un repertorio anche per questo interamente dedicato al periodo d'oro di quel jazz sudafricano di cui proprio Moholo è l'unico sopravvissuto. Il lavoro -registrato in realtà nel 2007, ...


Article: Live Review

Jazztopad 2015

Read "Jazztopad 2015" reviewed by Henning Bolte

National Music Forum Jazztopad 2015 Wroclaw, Poland November 21-25, 2015 The city of Wroclaw by the Odra River in the southwest of Poland has occupied a pre-eminent position throughout its long, turbulent history, and it still does. Wroclaw's Jazztopad festival is a relatively young one. This year celebrated had ...

Article: Lyrics

Save the Date - Agosto 2015

Read "Save the Date - Agosto 2015" reviewed by Luca Canini

Agosto, festival miei non vi conosco. Mentre al di là delle Alpi è tempo di gustosissime abbuffate (Willisau, Saalfelden, Mulhouse, Lisbona: fatevi un giro sui siti dei giganti europei), in Italia impazzano le sagre balneari e gli eventi vacanzieri. Poco da salvare. E francamente fa una certa tristezza leggere i programmi di rassegne ...


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