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Article: Album Review

Rob Clearfield: Wherever You're Starting From

Read "Wherever You're Starting From" reviewed by Troy Dostert

Chicago-based keyboardist Rob Clearfield has long been an active presence in the Windy City jazz scene, working with folks like bassist Matt Ulery, drummer Jon Deitemyer and guitarist Dan Bruce. Just last year, his appearances on Bruce's Earthshine (ears&eyes Records) and trumpeter Adam Larson's Second City (Inner Circle Music) were indicative of Clearfield's stylistic diversity, proving ...


Article: Album Review

Rob Clearfield: Wherever You're Starting From

Read "Wherever You're Starting From" reviewed by Dan Bilawsky

While there's much value in observing, studying, and utilizing the arc of an idea or improvisation in its entirety, too little emphasis is often placed on the worth of the individual occurrences within. For in these (somewhat) micro moments exists a level of discovery and compositional integrity far greater than many imagine. It's this very idea--improvising ...


Article: Album Review

Daniel Bruce: Earthshine

Read "Earthshine" reviewed by Friedrich Kunzmann

In the ever-growing scene of jazz-guitar today it is getting harder to distinguish oneself from the rest of the crowd. When taking a look around current stirrings in jazz, the guitar seems to be experiencing a renaissance as the main vehicle in the genre-new formations with the instrument at their core emerging all over the globe. ...


Article: Album Review

Adam Larson: Second City

Read "Second City" reviewed by Mike Jurkovic

For those out there who love it when a saxophonist hits the ground running, immediately taking control of the proceedings with their eyes and ears set on the far horizon, then Second City twenty-seven year old Adam Larson's fourth disc--yes fourth!--is the thrilling disc to be hearing right now. Leading a punchy and tenacious ...


Article: Album Review

Adam Larson: Second City

Read "Second City" reviewed by Dan Bilawsky

When you hear “Second City" and think about improvisation, comedy comes to mind before jazz. But this music is no laughing matter. Saxophonist Adam Larson is one serious talent, as this, his fourth album to date, makes clear. While Larson has called New York home for the past decade, Second City was recorded ...


Article: Record Label Profile

ears&eyes Records: From Chicago to the World

Read "ears&eyes Records: From Chicago to the World" reviewed by Jakob Baekgaard

Those who feel that jazz has run out of steam, that there is nothing new to say, should encounter bassist and renaissance man, Matthew Golombisky, who runs the Chicago-based label ears&eyes. The name says it all. Golombisky is interested in what is going on around him. He is not only curious about music, but also passionate ...



Label: ears&eyes Records
Released: 2016

Article: Album Review

Matt Ulery's Loom/Large: Festival

Read "Festival" reviewed by Vic Albani

Normalmente (e specialmente in Italia) quando un Ente culturale pubblico commissiona un lavoro ad un musicista il risultato è quasi sempre--per dirla con Totò -una vera ciofeca. A Chicago per fortuna, non è così e quindi Festival, nuovo lavoro del prolifico contrabbassista e tubista Matt Ulery già titolare di ben sei lavori discografici alle spalle, è ...


Article: Album Review

Matt Ulery's Loom: Wake An Echo

Read "Wake An Echo" reviewed by Hrayr Attarian

Cinematic, soundtrack, and similar film related words are often used to describe Chicago bassist Matt Ulery's work. Ulery's compositions are certainly inspired by the 7th art and over the course of six years, and as many albums, they have achieved a complex texture that induces a sublime and pleasant synesthesia. Listening to his 2013 Wake An ...


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