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Article: Live Review

Bologna Jazz Festival 2019

Read "Bologna Jazz Festival 2019" reviewed by Libero Farnè

Bologna, Modena, Ferrara, Forlì Varie sedi, 25.10-26.11.20019 Il Bologna Jazz Festival 2019 ha confermato, ampliandole, le linee guida delle due passate edizioni, proponendo per un mese intero concerti esclusivamente serali, anche in contemporanea. Per quanto riguarda l'offerta musicale non si sono riscontrate univoche scelte stilistiche, ma soprattutto si è teso ad estendere ...


Article: Live Review

Chucho Valdes with Special Guest Chick Corea at Jazz at Lincoln Center

Read "Chucho Valdes with Special Guest Chick Corea at Jazz at Lincoln Center" reviewed by Doug Hall

Chucho Valdes with Special Guest Chick Corea Jazz at Lincoln Center The Rose Theater New York, NY November 16, 2019 Jazz at Lincoln Center, in the Rose Theater, witnessed a very special meeting which occurred on-stage between two legendary jazz pianists, Chucho Valdés and Chick Corea. Both musically prolific, ...


Article: Live Review

Chucho Valdés With Kenny Garrett At SFJAZZ

Read "Chucho Valdés With Kenny Garrett At SFJAZZ" reviewed by Harry S. Pariser

Chucho Valdés and Kenny Garrett SFJAZZ San Francisco, CA October 4, 2019 A commanding Cuban pianist, the stately Chucho Valdés is best known as the founder of legendary Cuban band Irakere. Kenny Garrett has played with the Duke Ellington Orchestra and with the late Miles Davis, among others, but has gained ...

Article: Album Review

Javier Colina - Chano Domínguez: Chano & Colina

Read "Chano & Colina" reviewed by Angelo Leonardi

Sia Chano Domínguez che Javier Colina hanno dimostrato d'amare i confronti in duo. Ricordiamo i quelli recenti del primo con Stefano Bollani e con Paolo Fresu, più quelli passati col chitarrista Niño Josele (Chano & Josele), col pianista Federico Lechner e con la flautista Hadar Noirberg. Di Javier Colina ricordiamo i duo con i pianisti Tete ...


Article: SoCal Jazz

Alvas Showroom: The Art of Listening

Read "Alvas Showroom: The Art of Listening" reviewed by Jim Worsley

Allan Holdsworth was a giant, a genius, a gifted guitarist who had a great gauge for sound. An upper level musician can become less than that playing in a room, club, or hall that is beneath the caliber of their artistry. Holdsworth played the intimate and superbly sound engineered Alvas Showroom in San Pedro, CA many ...

Article: Album Review

Dayramir Gonzalez: The Grand Concourse

Read "The Grand Concourse" reviewed by Angelo Leonardi

Siamo abituati al debutto di prodigiosi pianisti cubani ma Dayramir González non è solo questo. Come Fabian Almazan appartiene alla nuova generazione di strumentisti maturata negli Stati Uniti, capace di sofisticate sintesi orchestrali, coniugando le radici popolari ed etniche della terra d'origine, le forme del jazz ed evidenti riferimenti classici. Nato e cresciuto all'Avana ...


Article: SoCal Jazz

Arturo Sandoval: Two Counties, Two Lives, One Trumpet de Oro

Read "Arturo Sandoval: Two Counties, Two Lives, One Trumpet de Oro" reviewed by Jim Worsley

Arturo Sandoval is widely considered the world's premier living trumpet player. You will get no argument from me. After a tumultuous life in Cuba, he and his family successfully sought political asylum in the United States. His story is well documented in For Love or Country (HBO, 2000). Andy Garcia portrays Sandoval in this movie that ...


Article: Profile

Omar Sosa: Building Bridges Not Walls

Read "Omar Sosa: Building Bridges Not Walls" reviewed by Duncan Heining

Cuban-born pianist, Omar Sosa is a passionate man. Music, religion, family, his relationship to the planet—all these are inseparable to an artist whose musical world is steeped in the Afro-Cuban heritage that he draws upon so personally and individually in his work. Spinning culinary metaphors to describe the processes of music-making, he sings the praises of ...


Article: Live Review

Hilario Durán At Telus Centre

Read "Hilario Durán At Telus Centre" reviewed by Alain Londes

Hilario Durán and his Latin Jazz Big BandTelus Centre for Performance and LearningToronto, Canada February 9, 2019A “dream concert" is how Hilario Durán characterized the show featuring his Latin Jazz Big Band and the great drummer Horacio “El Negro" Hernández. Cuban-born piano great Durán settled in Canada in the mid-nineties and ...


Article: Year in Review

2018: The Year in Jazz

Read "2018: The Year in Jazz" reviewed by Ken Franckling

The year 2018 was a busy one for the jazz world. The genre's version of the #MeToo movement resulted in a new Code of Conduct and other efforts to make the music workplace more equitable. International Jazz Day brought its biggest stage to St. Petersburg, Russia. The Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz, which ran a high-profile ...


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