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Article: Album Review

Ross Hammond: Flight

Read "Flight" reviewed by Mario Calvitti

Ross Hammond è un chitarrista jazz americano molto attivo da una dozzina di anni sulla scena della musica improvvisata in California, dove risiede. Per il suo ultimo CD realizzato in completa solitudine ha voluto effettuare una sorta di ritorno alle radici, andando ad esplorare quel territorio conosciuto come American Primitive Guitar, un misto di folk, blues, ...


Article: Album Review

Ross Hammond: Humanity Suite

Read "Humanity Suite" reviewed by Maurizio Zerbo

La chitarra elettrica di Ross Hammond costituisce l'elemento catalizzatore di questa “Humanity Suite," attraverso un una stratificazione sonora irregolare e dissonante. Privati di un fermo baricentro stilistico, i temi della suite sono costruiti su cellule ampie ed irregolari. Nonostante l'ampio spazio disegnato per la chitarra acida di Hammond, prevale un tessuto timbrico grave dove hanno ampio ...


Humanity Suite

Label: Prescott Recordings
Released: 2014
Track listing: Humanity Suite.


Article: Album Review

Ross Hammond: Humanity Suite

Read "Humanity Suite" reviewed by Glenn Astarita

Guitarist Ross Hammond is building upon his conspicuous artistic persona as a new wave jazz and improvisational guitarist, composer who aligns with fellow West Coast denizens, including seminal Southern California based woodwind ace Vinny Golia and others. With a dozen albums under his belt, the guitarist has exponentially pushed the envelope, largely with great success. He ...


News: Recording

Guitarist Ross Hammond Releases Humanity Suite on Prescott Recordings

Guitarist Ross Hammond Releases Humanity Suite on Prescott Recordings

Featuring Vinny Golia, Catherine Sikora, Dax Compise, Clifford Childers & Kerry Kashiwaga History may be written by the winners, but it can be rewritten by anyone courageous enough to speak truth to power. Guitarist Ross Hammond‘s new record, Humanity Suite, on Prescott Recordings, is a powerful statement, both musically and historically, taking its starting point from ...



Released: 2013
Track listing: 01. A Song for Wizards; 02. Hopped Up on Adrenaline: 03. Telescoping; 04. Run, Run Ibex!; 05. This Goes with Your Leather; 06. She Gets Her Wine from a Box; 07. Tricycle; 08. Cathedrals; 09. Goodnight Lola.

Article: Album Review

Ross Hammond: Cathedrals

Read "Cathedrals" reviewed by Mario Calvitti

Ross Hammond è un giovane chitarrista che opera nella West Coast americana e si muove in diversi contesti che vanno dai dischi in solo a progetti con formazioni più allargate. In questo ottimo Cathedrals lo troviamo in quartetto con il fior fiore del jazz californiano: Vinny Golia ai sax e al flauto, Steuart Liebig al basso ...


Article: Interview

Ross Hammond: Holding onto the Wave

Read "Ross Hammond: Holding onto the Wave" reviewed by Troy Collins

Sacramento-based guitarist Ross Hammond has been steadily gaining attention, courtesy of a tireless performing schedule reinforced and documented by a series of diverse albums issued on his own Prescott Recordings imprint. Hammond's releases have featured a variety of instrumental lineups, ranging from lyrical solo recitals to frenetic collective improvisations. His most recent endeavor is Cathedrals (Prescott ...



Label: Prescott Recordings
Released: 2012
Track listing: Adored; Sesquipedalian; She's My Little Girl; Joaquining; Maribel's Code; Hands Up!; Just Knowing You're There; Water Always Finds It's Way, Like The Soul.


Article: Year in Review

Troy Collins' Best Releases of 2012

Read "Troy Collins' Best Releases of 2012" reviewed by Troy Collins

Considering the quantity of recordings released in a year's time, attempting to compile an end of the year list mentioning every first-rate session would be difficult at best. The ten titles included below are among the most exceptional new jazz albums I've heard in 2012. Jason Robinson Tiresian Symmetry Cuneiform Records


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