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Article: Radio & Podcasts

Bill Kirchner and George Wein

Read "Bill Kirchner and George Wein" reviewed by Joe Dimino

Representing a bridge between the old world and new world of jazz, we begin the 719th Episode of Neon Jazz with veteran musician, educator and broadcaster Bill Kirchner joined by his Nonet off his 2014 CD Lifeline. We also visit some veteran players with some fresh new sounds like John DePaola, Benoit Delbecq and Gabriel Evan. ...


Article: Interview

Unscientific Italians: Frisellian Magic

Read "Unscientific Italians: Frisellian Magic" reviewed by Ludovico Granvassu

If Italian film director Nanni Moretti had been born in 1973 instead of 1953, he might well have set the iconic Vespa ride through the empty streets of a languid, mid-August Rome in Caro Diario against a Bill Frisell rather than a Keith Jarrett soundtrack. Because if every era is defined by a limited ...


Article: Album Review

Jakob Bro: Uma Elmo

Read "Uma Elmo" reviewed by Mark Sullivan

After a break of a few years, Danish guitarist & composer Jakob Bro returns to ECM Records with a new trio. Bay Of Rainbows (ECM Records, 2018) was a live recording documenting his trio with double bassist Thomas Morgan and drummer Joey Baron, while Returnings (ECM Records, 2018) was a quartet reuniting Bro with Morgan and ...


Article: Album Review

Joe Lovano & Dave Douglas Soundprints: Other Worlds

Read "Other Worlds" reviewed by Vic Albani

Stile e ricercatezza. La cifra di questo nuovo lavoro di due giganti del jazz contemporaneo quali Joe Lovano e Dave Douglas è tutta in questi due vocaboli. Sound Prints (che richiama nel nome la ben celebre “Footprints" fermata dal signor Wayne Shorter) è il nome del quintetto titolare di questo progetto nato nel 2013 ...


Article: Radio & Podcasts

Brand New Jazz Sounds

Read "Brand New Jazz Sounds" reviewed by Bob Osborne

All new releases from around the World of Jazz. A new mini-album by The Near Jazz Experience highlights the band's hypnotic improv grooves, salutes a pop hero and explores new ground in the shape of electronic beats and live sound manipulation. Pianist Ray Gallon's debut recording arrives after more than three decades of him plying his ...

Article: Interview

L'autorevole inventiva di Salvatore Maiore

Read "L'autorevole inventiva di Salvatore Maiore" reviewed by Angelo Leonardi

Contrabbassista, violoncellista e compositore tra i più attivi in Italia, Salvatore Maiore ha evidenziato -nelle molte collaborazioni e nei progetti personali-una cifra espressiva particolarmente ricercata, dove il ruolo dei suoi strumenti assume un aspetto propositivo, in una chiara esaltazione delle forme melodiche e timbriche. Di recente ha pubblicato un progetto sulle musiche di Charles Mingus interpretate ...


Article: Radio & Podcasts

New albums from Taubenhouse, Carney, Lewis, and Booth and more!

Read "New albums from Taubenhouse, Carney, Lewis, and Booth and more!" reviewed by Bob Osborne

All recent releases this time around with the third volume in the Moments In Trio series from Yaniv Taubenhouse leading the way. There is also free improvisation mixed with modal jazz from Zane Carney, as well as the stunning new album from James Brandon Lewis. Original music and a unique ensemble sound that pushes at the ...


Article: Multiple Reviews

Christoph Irniger's Open City: Retracing The Tenor's Evolution On Intakt Records

Read "Christoph Irniger's Open City: Retracing The Tenor's Evolution On Intakt Records" reviewed by Friedrich Kunzmann

A sound poet of sorts, Swiss tenor saxophonist Christoph Irniger has gained quite a reputation for his lyrical tone and creative penmanship, more often than not responsible for the majority of the memorable repertoire he records and performs. The poetic nature of his music is owed not only to the artists that have influenced him over ...


Article: Radio & Podcasts

Gerald Cleaver Breaking New Ground

Read "Gerald Cleaver Breaking New Ground" reviewed by Bob Osborne

On this show we feature some new releases including Gerald Cleaver's fascinating marriage of electronica and jazz which celebrates musicians who have influenced him—there is also music from some of those he honours. Plus, the fulsome sound of the The Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra and more from the excellent Tony Malaby Turnpike Diaries series. This is accompanied ...


Article: Interview

Gli Unscientific Italians e l'arte della meta-sintesi Friselliana

Read "Gli Unscientific Italians e l'arte della meta-sintesi Friselliana" reviewed by Ludovico Granvassu

Se Nanni Moretti fosse nato nel 1973 invece che nel 1953, la famosa scena di Caro Diario che lo vede in sella ad un vespone per le strade vuote di una languida Roma ferragostana avrebbe avuto come colonna sonora la musica di Bill Frisell piuttosto che quella di Keith Jarrett. Perchè ogni epoca viene definita da ...


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