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Article: Live Review

2018 Galway Jazz Festival 2018: Day 4

Read "2018 Galway Jazz Festival 2018: Day 4" reviewed by James Fleming

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4Various Artists Various Venues 2018 Galway Jazz Festival Galway, Ireland October 7, 2018 On the screen at Galway's Pálás cinema, Thelonious Monk, Louis Armstrong, Dinah Washington and Ray Charles repeated their famed performance from the 1958 Newport Jazz ...


Article: Interview

Conor Murray & Micheal Murray: Putting Falcarragh On The Jazz Map

Read "Conor Murray & Micheal Murray: Putting Falcarragh On The Jazz Map" reviewed by Ian Patterson

It's just gone half past midday and yet double bassist Conor Murray and twin brother, saxophonist Micheal Murray, are gearing up for their second media engagement of the day. If this were New York or London such hustle and bustle mightn't be unusual for two seasoned jazz musicians with a CD to launch, except the Murrays ...


Article: Live Review

Galway Jazz Festival 2018: Day 1

Read "Galway Jazz Festival 2018: Day 1" reviewed by James Fleming

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4Galway Jazz Festival Galway, Ireland October 5, 2018 The rain came up from the south-west over the Atlantic. Setting a slab of grey cloud on Galway's sky. A piper sat on Shop Street beneath the slanted rainfall, his waist-length hair ...


Article: Live Review

Sligo Jazz Project 2018: Days 5-6

Read "Sligo Jazz Project 2018: Days 5-6" reviewed by James Fleming

Sligo Jazz Project Sligo, Ireland July 28-29, 2018 Not even the boats on the water moved. It was a dark morning. Lit by grey sunlight that carried no heat on its rays. The mist and cold nipped at the skin but otherwise there was barely a twitch of movement. No vigour ...


Article: Live Review

12 Points 2018

Read "12 Points 2018" reviewed by Ian Patterson

12 Points 2018 The Sugar Club Dublin, Ireland September 5-8, 2018 Returning to its spiritual home of Dublin after back-to-back editions in San Sebastian and Aarhus, 12 Points 2018 marks one of the highpoints of the Irish musical year. Its appeal lies not just in the fact that it brings ...


Article: Live Review

Sligo Jazz Project 2018: Days 3-4

Read "Sligo Jazz Project 2018: Days 3-4" reviewed by James Fleming

Days 1-2 | Days 3-4 Sligo Jazz Project Various Venues Sligo, Ireland July 24-29, 2018 July 26, 2018When the wind died down the day turned humid and heavy. Clouds hung low in the sky, grey and oppressive. And as Sligo's people sipped their coffees and settled down at their ...


Article: Live Review

Sligo Jazz Project 2018: Days 1-2

Read "Sligo Jazz Project 2018: Days 1-2" reviewed by James Fleming

Days 1-2 | Days 3-4Sligo Jazz Project Various Venues Sligo, Ireland July 24-29, 2018 July 24, 2018 The Garavogue River flows slow and lazy through the centre of town to Sligo Harbour. Mountains stand in the distance out in Yeats country, green and rocky, overlooking the fields on the ...


Article: Interview

Andreas Varady: Guitar Wizard On The Rise

Read "Andreas Varady: Guitar Wizard On The Rise" reviewed by R.J. DeLuke

Listening to Andreas Varady play guitar, it's difficult to guess his age. Its not just the fleet fingers across the fret board, the subtle bending of notes and the dexterity. Many young players display those features. He possesses a warm tone, a mature style with free-flowing ideas that go to interesting places. His style is mature ...


Article: Live Review

Bray Jazz Festival 2018

Read "Bray Jazz Festival 2018" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Bray Jazz Festival Various Venues jny:Bray, Ireland May 4-6, 2018 From the hilltop vantage point the Irish Sea lies veiled under a blanket of thick mist. Greystones, five miles to the right, birthplace of the great Christy Doran, peeks out, seemingly floating above the misty clouds like a Roger ...


Article: Interview

Linley Hamilton: Strings Attached

Read "Linley Hamilton: Strings Attached" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Nearly all recordings are labours of love. Passion and a huge amount of work are the essential ingredients. Some recordings in particular, however, mark the realization of a life-long dream. For Northern Irish trumpeter, BBC jazz broadcaster and university lecturer Linley Hamilton, Making Other Arrangements (Teddy D Records, 2018) is just such a recording.


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