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Article: Big Band in the Sky

George Russell Remembered

Read "George Russell Remembered" reviewed by Duncan Heining

How is it that one of the most significant figures in modern jazz is so often overlooked when histories of the music are written? And how come one of its most important composers is not immediately acknowledged when jazz is discussed? Therein hang a number of tangled tales. The centenary of composer, musician, bandleader, ...


Article: Liner Notes

Samuel Blaser: As the Sea

Read "Samuel Blaser: As the Sea" reviewed by John Kelman

Plenty has been written about musical camaraderie--the building of long-term musical relationships and their unmistakable impact on the evolution of a group. Few, however, discuss the inevitable impact of personal relationships behind the music. Times have changed, and few jazz groups tour for more than a couple of consecutive weeks; still, hitting the road for even ...

Article: Radio & Podcasts

Don't Terje Me, Bro

Read "Don't Terje Me, Bro" reviewed by Patrick Burnette

Some of our podcasts have themes. This podcast has a wide-ranging mix of three 2023 releases and one moderately historical entry from an ECM guitarist whose name Pat dare not pronounce. Can the jazz violin be a force for good? We think so. Can Pat find a Pyroclastic release that tickles his fancy? You betcha--but no ...

Article: Album Review

Arild Andersen: Affirmation

Read "Affirmation" reviewed by Mario Calvitti

Il contrabbassista norvegese Arild Andersen è uno dei protagonisti di quella generazione di musicisti (insieme a Jan Garbarek, Terje Rypdal, Jon Christensen, Bobo Stenson, Edward Vesala) che grazie all'etichetta ECM, nel cui catalogo è presente con regolarità fin dal lontano 1971, ha contribuito all'affermazione del jazz scandinavo fino ad allora praticamente sconosciuto. Per il suo più ...


Article: Building a Jazz Library

ECM Records Touchstones: Part 2

Read "ECM Records Touchstones: Part 2" reviewed by Dan McClenaghan

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 This second edition of “ECM Touchstones" explores more of the label's early recordings, repackaged and offered up as a way to present music that had perhaps slipped through time's cracks, into the hard-to-find category. Of these, four were re-released in 2019, one in 2008--32 to 43 ...


Article: Liner Notes

Terje Rypdal: Odyssey: In Studio and In Concert

Read "Terje Rypdal: Odyssey: In Studio and In Concert" reviewed by John Kelman

To achieve confluence, an artist must first demonstrate multiplicity. With the benefit of hindsight, the meeting of disparate concepts might appear inevitable when reassessing a decades-long career, but few artists actually possess not only the building blocks but the intuition and acumen to achieve what is, in Sanskrit, called Sangam. That ECM has two recordings using ...


Article: Interview

Alf Terje Hana: The Further Edge

Read "Alf Terje Hana: The Further Edge" reviewed by Mike Jacobs

Unless you hail from jny: Norway, chances are you haven't heard of (or are just hearing about) guitarist Alf Terje Hana. With a music career stretching back into the '70s and a sound that's as personally stylized and cutting-edge fresh as anything birthed in the 21st century, Hana's music and name are just starting to circulate ...

Article: Album Review

Eivind Aarset: Phantasmagoria, or a Different Kind of Journey

Read "Phantasmagoria, or a Different Kind of Journey" reviewed by Mario Calvitti

Dopo aver collaborato negli ultimi anni come creatore di alchimie sonore per vari progetti musicali in compagnia di musicisti come Jan Bang, Arve Henriksen, Sly & Robbie, Michele Rabbia, Bendik Hoffset e altri, ritroviamo il chitarrista norvegese Eivind Aarset alla guida di un proprio quartetto con il quale ha pubblicato qualche mese fa questo Phantasmagoria. Al ...


Article: Radio & Podcasts

Jazz Hybrids by Brad Mehldau, Frank Zappa and Others

Read "Jazz Hybrids by Brad Mehldau, Frank Zappa and Others" reviewed by Jerome Wilson

This program looks at jazz mixed with rock in various ways, whether it's called jazz-rock, fusion, prog rock, jazz-funk, trip-hop or something else. The artists heard on the show include Brad Mehldau, Donald Fagen, Frank Zappa, Joe Zawinul and the Keef Hartley Band. Playlist Henry Threadgill Sextett “I Can't Wait Till I Get Home" ...


Article: Album Review

Tord Gustavsen Trio: Opening

Read "Opening" reviewed by Peter Jones

Tord Gustavsen's first three piano trio albums sold in unimaginable quantities, made him an unlikely star in his native Norway, and established him internationally. He became the living embodiment of the ECM sound—quiet, contemplative, solemn, spacious. In fact, so spacious, that at gigs one would sometimes wait a seeming eternity for the arrival of the next ...


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