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Article: Album Review

Stephan Micus: Snow

Read "Snow" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

Snow è il diciottesimo lavoro di Stephan Micus, polistrumentista tedesco di grande sensibilità e indipendenza. Nonostante le mille influenze e la ricerca che passa attraverso strumenti musicali legati alla tradizione di luoghi lontani dalla sua natale Germania, il suo lavoro in tanti anni si è sempre contraddistinto per l’originalità. Artista lontano dal mondo del jazz che ...


On the Wing

Label: ECM Records
Released: 2007
Track listing: Part 1: On the Wing; Part 2: Winterlight; Part 3: Gazelle; Part 4: Blossoms in the Wind; Part 5: The Bride; Part 6: Ancient Trees; Part 7: In the Dancing Snow; Part 8: The Gate; Part 9: Turquoise Fields; Part 10: Morning Sky.


Article: Album Review

Stephan Micus: On the Wing

Read "On the Wing" reviewed by Erik R. Quick

Stephan Micus is a German-born multi-instrumentalist and inveterate ethnic musicologist. He currently resides in Majorca where, aside from the splendid climate, the airport is well-equipped and prepared to take the adventuresome traveler almost anywhere at any time. Micus utilizes the latter frequently in planning his musical landscapes. Micus has traveled extensively throughout Asia and Europe and, ...


Article: Album Review

Stephan Micus: On the Wing

Read "On the Wing" reviewed by John Kelman

Stephan Micus' last album, Life (ECM, 2004), represented the multi-instrumentalist's most ambitious vocal album to date, layering as many as 14 voices at once. On the Wing represents a complete departure, his first entirely instrumental album in 17 years. The painstaking piecing together of many layers of multiple instruments (with Micus performing every part, creating solo ...


Article: Interview

Stephan Micus: ricerche solitarie

Read "Stephan Micus: ricerche solitarie" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

Intervista di John Kelman Il polistrumentista Stephan Micus ha lavorato al di fuori della corrente musicale principale per oltre 30 anni. Con più di 15 album per l'etichetta tedesca ECM e, nei primi tempi, la sua consorella JAPO, Micus ha creato un corpo d'opera che è il risultato di anni di ampio viaggiare in tutto il ...


Article: Album Review

Stephan Micus: On the Wing

Read "On the Wing" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

Il vagabondaggio musicale del polistrumentista tedesco Stephan Micus ha prodotto un altro dei suoi diari di viaggio. Cultore della world music totale, Micus sintetizza le tradizioni musicali di tutto il mondo utilizzandone gli strumenti tipici in un mix inedito, ottenuto creando una sorta di orchestra panetnica virtuale attraverso l'impiego di numerose sovraincisioni. Nonostante la formula si ...


Article: Interview

Stephan Micus: Solitary Pursuits

Read "Stephan Micus: Solitary Pursuits" reviewed by John Kelman

Multi-instrumentalist Stephan Micus has been working outside the musical mainstream for over 30 years. With more than 15 albums for the German ECM label and, in the early days, its sister label JAPO, Micus has created a body of work that is the result of years of extensive traveling around the world to both acquire and ...



Label: ECM Records
Released: 2004
Track listing: Narration One and the Master's Question; The Temple; Narration Two; The Monk's Answer; Narration Three; The Master's Anger; Narration Four; The Monk's Question; The Sky; The Master's Answer.


Article: Album Review

Stephan Micus: Life

Read "Life" reviewed by AAJ Staff

German composer Stephan Micus has spent decades traveling the world in search of new music, as much figuratively as literally, and the results of his very serious globe-trotting experiences have been documented on sixteen ECM albums, the latest being Life. He brings together a large collection of instruments from Africa, Asia, and Europe for this particular ...


Article: Album Review

Stephan Micus: Life

Read "Life" reviewed by John Kelman

Over a thirty-year career, multi-instrumentalist Stephan Micus has created his own world, one based on a life of constant study of diverse culture, religion, musical instruments and form. Each of the sixteen albums he has recorded to date has incorporated newly acquired instruments from places as far abroad as Armenia, Bali and Tibet. Micus records his ...


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