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Article: Album Review

Phil Haynes: Sanctuary

Read "Sanctuary" reviewed by Neri Pollastri

Uscito nel 2015 ma registrato a Berlino nel 1999, presso gli studi della SFB e con il supporto di Gebhard Ullmann, questo disco documenta l'attività in solo di Phil Haynes, un tipo di performance piuttosto rara per un batterista ma che al contrario egli ha sempre portato avanti nel corso della sua lunga carriera.



Label: Self Produced
Released: 2015
Track listing: I Awaken: Spirits; Aqua; Rapid Eye Movement; Pollock; Hands and Stones; II Eastern Thoughts: Ritual Call; An Answer; Sympathetic Membranes; Wind in the Chime; Kabuki; III Western Habits: Longer Shorter; Whispers; Metal at Warp; ACME Mechanism; Free Radicals; Wood Spirits; Cat Toyz; Puttering; Bent Offerings; Feline Dreams; Cha-Cha Cha; IV Junkyard Blues: Dumpster Diving; Jurassic Lark; Garbage on Parade; Run, Hide... Frack!; V al Coda: Bop Be; Chug-a- lug.


Phil Haynes’ “No Fast Food” Trio: In Concert

Label: Self Produced
Released: 2015
Track listing: Set 1: Dawn on the Gladys Marrie; West Virginian Blues; Together; Last Dance; The Code; Ballad du Jour; Set 2: Zen Lieb; Out of the Bowels; Workin’ It; Blues for Istrael; Incarnation; Chant; Encore du Jour.


In Concert

Label: Self Produced
Released: 2015
Track listing: CD 1:
Dawn on the Gladys Marrie; West Virginian Blues; Together; Last Dance; The Code; Ballad du Jour.
CD 2:
Zen Lieb; Out of the Bowels; Workin’ It; Blues for Istrael; Incarnation; Chant; Encore du Jour.


Article: Album Review

Phil Haynes: Sanctuary

Read "Sanctuary" reviewed by Budd Kopman

Many musicians, at some point, acknowledge a desire that has been building within them --to create music not for anyone else, but for themselves, and, ultimately, by themselves. Obviously, this is easy for pianists, and more difficult for single-line instruments, but now much more common. Drummer/percussionists, especially in jazz, have different problems. First, of ...


Article: Album Review

Michael McNeill Trio: Flight

Read "Flight" reviewed by Hrayr Attarian

On his second release as a leader Flight pianist Michael McNeill elegantly embellishes his own intricate compositions with bold spontaneity. He imbues the melodic elements of the album with subtle angularity and maintains a strong lyrical sense even while flirting with dissonance.The contemplative “Za," for instance, has a crystalline harmonic structure within which McNeill ...


Article: Album Review

Michael McNeill Trio: Flight

Read "Flight" reviewed by Budd Kopman

Michael McNeill and his trio (bassist Ken Filiano and drummer Phil Haynes) return after Passageways with the marvelous Flight. The first notes of “Placid Ruffled" indicate McNeill's classical background and compositional intent. The album is extremely well recorded, allowing, at least with headphones, for every overtone and their interactions to be heard clearly (especially ...

Article: Album Review

Phil Haynes No Fast Food: In Concert

Read "In Concert" reviewed by Neri Pollastri

Disco doppio registrato dal vivo in due diverse occasioni nel giugno e nell'agosto del 2012, questo lavoro ha nel titolo del progetto, No Fast Food, un emblematico ancorchè metaforico programma: la musica è infatti lontanissima dall'essere preconfezionata e pronta ad essere consumata rapidamente senza attenzione ed è invece costruita attraverso la creativa interazione di un trio ...


Song of the Day


Label: Self Produced
Released: 2015
Duration: 03:12


Article: Album Review

Phil Haynes: Phil Haynes’ “No Fast Food” Trio: In Concert

Read "Phil Haynes’ “No Fast Food” Trio: In Concert" reviewed by Dave Wayne

No Fast Food In Concert is rife with all sorts of footnotes and fascinating jazz lineages. But, one can simply enjoy it without being a fact-obsessed music nerd such as me; the first track, a truly pretty-but-not-precious waltz titled “Dawn on the Gladys Marie" is evidence enough of the simple universality of great music. There's a ...


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