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Article: Album Review

Nils Petter Molvær: Buoyancy

Read "Buoyancy" reviewed by Karl Ackermann

More than thirty years ago, Norwegian trumpeter Nils Petter Molvær had left his mark as an exceptional improviser with his ECM Records debut on Masquarelo's Bande à Part (1985). Those beginnings--in the company of Nordic jazz legends--led Molvær to an ongoing process of nurturing his musical sensibilities across electronic grooves, club beats, jazz, and more genre-defying ...

Article: Album Review

Branford Marsalis Quartet with Special Guest Kurt Elling: Upward Spiral

Read "Upward Spiral" reviewed by Stefano Merighi

Sembra che Branford Marsalis continui ad avere John Coltrane come stella polare nell'orientarsi in una luminosa maturità artistica. E come il maestro che, nel bel mezzo di un turbinoso oltrepassamento del linguaggio specifico del jazz, piazzava due disorientanti album di canzoni (i peraltro magnifici John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman e Ballads), così Branford interrompe l'intensa progressione ...

Article: Album Review

Theo Croker: Escape Velocity

Read "Escape Velocity" reviewed by Angelo Leonardi

A distanza di due anni da Afro-Physicist, Theo Croker incide con la nuova formazione DVRK FUNK mostrando di avere ancora idee da sviluppare nel connubio tra bop, soul, funk e fusion. Come sappiamo è un terreno quanto mai affollato e catturare l'attenzione degli ascoltatori non è facile. Ma ci riesce, confermando il suo talento di solista, ...


Article: Album Review

The Branford Marsalis Quartet with Special Guest Kurt Elling: Upward Spiral

Read "Upward Spiral" reviewed by Dan Bilawsky

To one extent or another, jazz has always maintained a discriminatory dividing line between vocalists and instrumentalists. Instead of being viewed as equals--artists on par with all the rest, possessing the same good sense, skill, and stake in an artistic outcome--vocalists have often been unfairly stigmatized and interned in a separate category. But all of that ...


Article: Album Review

Bill Frisell: When You Wish Upon a Star

Read "When You Wish Upon a Star" reviewed by Ian Patterson

There's something undeniably powerful about the music of one's youth, whether it be the theme tune to a much loved children's TV show, the pop music of our teens or the soundtracks to the classic films that signpost the passing of the years. When You Wish Upon a Star pays tribute to well-known film and television ...

Article: Album Review

Bill Frisell: When You Wish Upon a Star

Read "When You Wish Upon a Star" reviewed by Luigi Sforza

Chi di Bill Frisell conosce le passioni non si stupirà per quest'album interamente dedicato alle musiche da film. La frequentazione del chitarrista, compositore e band leader di Baltimora con le musiche per il cinema è di lunga data. Numerose sono le colonne sonore da lui composte in un ventennio -si potrebbe partire dal lungometraggio La Scuola ...


Article: Album Review

Bill Frisell: When You Wish Upon a Star

Read "When You Wish Upon a Star" reviewed by Dan Bilawsky

Bill Frisell's America is a true land of musical opportunity. It's a place where portraits of bucolic beauty can mingle freely with reflections on gritty urban jungles, giving voice to anything and everything from the lighter side of life to the dark underbelly of existence. This inimitable guitarist's body of written work, along ...


Article: Extended Analysis

Bill Frisell: When You Wish Upon a Star

Read "Bill Frisell: When You Wish Upon a Star" reviewed by John Kelman

While jazz and interpretation are hardly strange bedfellows, few musicians have managed to be both as deeply reverent to his source music and profoundly personal and in his approach as guitarist Bill Frisell. That's not to suggest his re-imaginings of other composers' works have been anything remotely approaching predictable; as early as his first “covers" record, ...


A Love Supreme - Live in Amsterdam

Label: Okeh
Released: 2015
Track listing: A Love Supreme: Acknowledgement; Resolution; Pursuance; Psalm.


Dee Dee's Feathers

Label: Okeh
Released: 2015
Track listing: One Fine Thing; What a Wonderful World; Big Chief; St. James Infirmary; Dee Dee's Feathers; New Orleans; Treme Song/Do Whatcha Wanna; Come Sunday; Congo Square; C'est Ici Que Je T'Aime; Do You Know What It Means; Whoopin' Blues.


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