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Article: Album Review

Natsuki Tamura, Alexander Frangenheim: Nax

Read "Nax" reviewed by Karl Ackermann

Trumpeter Natsuki Tamura has long straddled the divide between free improvisation and lyrical jazz. The latter has been adequately and beautifully represented in his work with Gato Libre. That quartet features his wife and occasional duo partner--the pianist and accordionist Satoko Fujii--and combines elements of folk, chamber and modern jazz. In contrast, much of his solo ...


Article: Live Review

Punkt Festival 2014

Read "Punkt Festival 2014" reviewed by Henning Bolte

Punkt Festival Kristiansand, Norway September, 4-6, 2014 Kristiansand, home of the Annual Punkt Festival for the past decade, is a municipality situated on the southernmost point of Norway at the Skagerrag strait. It has a population of 86,000 (the greater urban area, 155,000) and is the county capital of Vest- Agder.


Article: Album Review

Doug Wieselman: From Water

Read "From Water" reviewed by Vincenzo Roggero

"Questa è musica derivata principalmente da melodie provenienti dal mondo dell'acqua--spiagge oceaniche, onde, ruscelli, vento. Queste melodie suonano come un coro di voci esuberanti, ognuna riferita ad una specifica situazione. E penso che tutto ciò abbia a che fare con quello che la terra ha da dirci, se solo ci prendessimo il tempo e la pazienza ...


Article: Album Review

Peter Brendler: Outside The Line

Read "Outside The Line" reviewed by Bruce Lindsay

Thirteen years after graduating from Berklee and over a decade into his career as a professional bassist, Peter Brendler has taken the plunge and released his first album as leader, Outside The Line. Look before you leap, as they say. Wise advice, if the quality of this debut is anything to go by.Brendler has ...


Article: Album Review

Greg Cohen: Golden State

Read "Golden State" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Though best known for his twenty-plus years in saxophonist John Zorn's Masada, bassist Greg Cohen's career has been marked by the diversity of his collaborations, from the carnivalesque Tom Waits and folkster Donovan, to rocker Lou Reed and saxophonist Ornette Coleman. So, in guitarist Bill Frisell--himself no stranger to experimentation--Cohen has found a most simpatico partner. ...


Article: Live Review

Akbank Jazz Festival 2013, Istanbul

Read "Akbank Jazz Festival 2013, Istanbul" reviewed by Daniela Veronesi

Akbank Jazz Festival Istanbul 25,09-10.10.2013 Akbank Jazz Festival, 23. edizione, Istanbul, 25 settembre-10 ottobre, e oltre: rassegna di ampio respiro, quindici giorni di proposte tra jazz e dintorni, evento culturale che richiama uno zoccolo duro di aficionados, ma che sa anche aggregare pubblici diversi in luoghi diversi. Ampie sale ...


Article: Live Review

Paul Sanchez at the Little Gem Saloon

Read "Paul Sanchez at the Little Gem Saloon" reviewed by Mike Perciaccante

Paul Sanchez The Little Gem Saloon New Orleans, LA October 31, 2013 The Little Gem Saloon is considered by many music historians as one of the birthplaces of jazz. The historic New Orleans watering hole, restaurant and live music venue that dates back to 1904. Located in the historic “Back O' ...

News: Obituary

Lou Reed (1942-2013)

Lou Reed (1942-2013)

Lou Reed, whose brutish pop-minimalist songs and flat vocals reflected his painful search for identity and helped influence art-rock, glam, punk, metal, New Wave and grunge, died unexpectedly yesterday (Oct. 27). He had undergone a liver transplant in June. He was 71. The news came as a particular shock to me, as I was preparing to ...


Article: Extended Analysis

Kanye West: Yeezus

Read "Kanye West: Yeezus" reviewed by Jeff Dayton-Johnson

Ben Jonson said of his dead child, my sin was too much hope of thee, loved boy. We too easily take what the poets write as figures of speech, as pretty images, as strings of bons mots. Sometimes perhaps they speak the truth. --Margaret Drabble, The Millstone (1965).Every time I write these ...


Article: Extended Analysis

Chris Kelsey & What I Say: The Electric Miles Project

Read "Chris Kelsey & What I Say: The Electric Miles Project" reviewed by Jeff Dayton-Johnson

Trumpeter Miles Davis' post-Bitches Brew (Columbia, 1970), pre-hiatus (1975-1981) electric music--dense, loud, dark, funky, vast--has posed problems for musicians. The Yo Miles! collective, led by trumpeter Wadada Leo Smith and guitarist Henry Kaiser, gamely approached it as a repertoire: these are songs, they seemed to say; let's just play them (and so they did, on albums ...


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