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Article: Album Review

Whit Dickey/Tao Quartets: Peace Planet & Box of Light

Read "Peace Planet & Box of Light" reviewed by Don Phipps

Shimmering contrasts and flights of fancy await the listener of these fine sets of free playing put together by primary composer and drummer extraordinaire Whit Dickey. Available as a double album, Dickey's Tao Quartets' Peace Planet & Box of Light is really two separate albums. One, (Peace Planet ), features a quartet of Dickey, Matthew Shipp ...


Article: Album Review

William Parker/In Order to Survive: Live/Shapeshifter

Read "Live/Shapeshifter" reviewed by Don Phipps

Another stellar effort from the genius known as William Parker, Live/Shapeshifter uses the immense talents of his “In Order To Survive" group -which consists of long time collaborators Cooper-Moore on piano, Hamid Drake on drums, and Rob Brown on alto sax--to craft a statement of free-wheeling dynamism at play. One of the top composers and bass ...


Article: Album Review

Kammerflimmerei: Perhaps

Read "Perhaps" reviewed by Don Phipps

There's a gentleness to the architecture of Kammerflimmerei's Perhaps that is reminiscent of the melodic collaborations of Keith Jarrett and Jan Garbarek or Richie Beirach and Dave Liebman. But this time the group comprises two German musicians, Lothar Hotz on piano and Sarah Schüddekopf on saxophone. And what a gem they've unearthed! Schüddekopf's sax ...


Article: Album Review

Elliott Sharp: Syzygy

Read "Syzygy" reviewed by Don Phipps

Immaculately recorded by Italian label Dodicilune, Elliott Sharp's Syzygy continues Sharp's explorations of spontaneous and improvisatory sound. He and his collaborators offer up studio versions of Syzygy on the first disc and live versions of the material on disc two. As much modern classical as abstract jazz, it is the musical textures and abstractions that give ...


Article: Album Review

Matthias Spillmann Trio: Live at the Bird’s Eye Jazz Club

Read "Live at the Bird’s Eye Jazz Club" reviewed by Don Phipps

Matthias Spillmann's Live at the Bird's Eye Jazz Club is a trumpet trio tour de force. Recorded live in Basel, Switzerland, Spillmann, bassist Andreas Lang and drummer Moritz Baumgärtner add a fascinating spin to five classics and one original number. The trio's simple format gives Spillmann plenty of room to energize the music, and his tone ...


Article: Album Review

Mark Alban Lotz: The Wroclaw Sessions

Read "The Wroclaw Sessions" reviewed by Don Phipps

Mark Alban Lotz has infused his album The Wroclaw Sessions with a collection of standards, classics and four originals (three of which he co-wrote) that explore a wide range of musical styles. Aided by bassist Grzegorz Piasecki and drummer Wojciech Buliński, Lotz easily makes transitions over a diverse musical terrain, which includes numbers such as Sam ...


Article: Album Review

Thom Yorke: ANIMA

Read "ANIMA" reviewed by Don Phipps

Radiohead's Thom Yorke has done it again—made another album that perfectly captures the alienation, hostility and isolation of this space in time. As the music on Yorke's ANIMA makes clear, the ability to stay optimistic about the future of any number of things—the human race, civilization, institutions, personal relationships—is likely a lost art. Instead, what remains ...


Article: Album Review

Gabriel Ferrandini: Volúpias

Read "Volúpias" reviewed by Don Phipps

Portuguese American drummer Gabriel Ferrandini's album Volúpias offers fascinating, impressionistic sound-portraits of the streets and avenues of Lisbon. Yet, unlike what one might expect from an ode to the urban experience, Ferrandini's portraits are often sedate and abstract, more a stroll than a view from a passing vehicle window. These impressions are given form ...


Article: Album Review

Jose Dias: After Silence, Vol. 1

Read "After Silence, Vol. 1" reviewed by Don Phipps

To take a single instrument--in this case, the guitar--and compose an album's worth of material that will both entertain and fascinate, is a tall order. But Jose Dias has done just that. Dias' album After Silence, Vol. 1 sports a cover showing a deep-sea diver emerging from a body of water, surrounded by sea gulls and ...


Article: Album Review

Ilia Belorukov, Gabriel Ferrandini: Disquiet

Read "Disquiet" reviewed by Don Phipps

"Energetic" may not be a strong enough word to describe this fascinating collaboration between Russian saxophonist Ilia Belorukov and American drummer Gabriel Ferrandini. Like the near-infinite splatter-patterns of a Pollack painting, the two drip, drop, slam, stutter and explode across the musical canvas of their album Disquiet, with a sense of urgency that brings to mind ...


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