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Article: Interview

Aaron Goldberg: Exploring the Now

Read "Aaron Goldberg: Exploring the Now" reviewed by Luke Seabright

Aaron Goldberg is a jazz pianist and composer based in New York City. He's released five albums with his trio, featuring Reuben Rogers on bass and Eric Harland on drums. His album The Now, recorded with that same rhythm section and featuring Kurt Rosenwinkel on guitar, was released in 2015 to critical acclaim. As well as ...


Article: In Pictures

Global Music Adventures at the Musical Instrument Museum

Read "Global Music Adventures at the Musical Instrument Museum" reviewed by Dave Kaufman

The Musical Instrument Museum (MIM), located in North jny: Phoenix, is a singularly unique experience in the world of music or museums, for that matter. The MIM displays over 6500 instruments from all corners of the globe. The experience is enhanced by superb video and audio presentations that situate the music in historical and cultural contexts. ...


Article: Album Review

Martin Bejerano: Trio Miami

Read "Trio Miami" reviewed by Dan Bilawsky

While nobody could successfully argue that the cost of playing with jazz legend Roy Haynes outweighs the benefits--a wealth of experience and time to connect with one of this music's greatest figures, tremendous exposure and opportunity on the performance front, time to build a group dynamic with one of the few true working bands out there, ...


News: Recording

Matt Slocum Presents "Trio Pacific, Vol. 1" Featuring Dayna Stephens, Steve Cardenas, and Matt Slocum

Matt Slocum Presents "Trio Pacific, Vol. 1" Featuring Dayna Stephens, Steve Cardenas, and Matt Slocum

Available October 7, 2016 on Chandra Records U.S. Tour Dates: October 18 through November 9 “Slocum served the music with a focus on dynamic micro-detail, which in turn allowed his musicians to say even more. It’s a cerebral concept, one that comes to fruition on Black Elk’s Dream… Like Wayne Shorter’s classic Blue Note ...


The Now

Label: Sunnyside Records
Released: 2015
Track listing: Trocando em Miudos; Yoyo; The Wind in the Night; E-Land; Perhaps; Triste Baía da Guanabara; Background Music; Francisca; One's a Crowd; One Life.


News: Recording

Vocalist / Guitarist / Composer Camila Meza Takes Flight With New Album, "Traces," On Sunnyside Records

Vocalist / Guitarist / Composer Camila Meza Takes Flight With New Album, "Traces," On Sunnyside Records

Available on February 26, 2016 Featuring Camila Meza (guitar & vocals), Sachal Vasandani (vocals on “Away"), Shai Maestro (piano, Rhodes, wurlitzer, mellotron, pump organ, ampli-celeste), Matt Penman (bass), Kendrick Scott (drums), Bashiri Johnson (percussion), Jody Redhage (cello), Matt Pierson (producer). CD Release Celebration February 24, 2016 @ The Jazz Standard January 15, 2016 at ...

Article: Interview

Matteo Pastorino: nome nuovo del clarinetto

Read "Matteo Pastorino: nome nuovo del clarinetto" reviewed by Libero Farnè

..."un clarinettista deciso e inventivo del quale risentiremo parlare." Con queste parole nell'agosto 2008 concludevo la mia recensione di Time in Sassari su questa rivista. Il clarinettista era Matteo Pastorino, allora diciannovenne, e in quell'occasione si esibiva all'interno dell'ottetto Viento Rojo, che raccoglieva i giovani più promettenti fra quelli che avevano frequentato i corsi di Nuoro ...


Article: Live Review

Burlington Discover Jazz Festival: Burlington, VT, June 5-14, 2015

Read "Burlington Discover Jazz Festival: Burlington, VT, June 5-14, 2015" reviewed by Doug Collette

Burlington Discover Jazz Festival Burlington, VT June 5-14, 2015 The continuing success of the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival not only elevates the level of participation in the city's music scene for the duration of each annual run, but also shines a light throughout Vermont's Queen City to illuminate the variety of venues ...


News: Event

Kendrick Scott Oracle Announces March United States Tour

Kendrick Scott Oracle Announces March United States Tour

Kendrick Scott is a drummer extraordinaire and rising star in the world of jazz. Known for his artistic and sonic ingenuity in his playing, he has been praised by many of this century's top jazz legends, young and old. Herbie Hancock notes that, “Kendrick is not just a timekeeper, but he is a musician with big ...


Article: Album Review

Ali Jackson Jr.: Amalgamations

Read "Amalgamations" reviewed by Angelo Leonardi

Stretto collaboratore di Wynton Marsalis, il trentottenne Ali Jackson è l'attuale batterista della Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra. Nato a Detroit, laureato in composizione alla New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music, è stato allievo di Elvin Jones, Max Roach e ha operato in vari contesti assieme a Joshua Redman, Kurt Rosenwinkel, George Benson, James Carter, Marcus ...


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