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Jazz Articles about John Butcher

Album Review

John Butcher, John Edwards, Mark Sanders: Last Dream at the Morning

Read "Last Dream at the Morning" reviewed by Alberto Bazzurro

Radicalismo improvvisativo duro e puro, per questi tre senatori del ramo, appartenenti alla seconda generazione di musicisti inglesi specializzati nella pratica specifica. Il sassofonismo ispido e acuminato, esplicitamente antigrazioso, di John Butcher (espresso su tenore e soprano, guarda caso) s'ispira palpabilmente a Evan Parker, pontefice massimo in materia (con cui fra l'altro John Edwards ha collaborato di frequente), con suoi i due coéqupiers a interagire in totale souplesse (d'intenti, non climatici). Certo non tutto è memorabile, come ...

Album Review

John Butcher, Ståle Liavik Solberg: So Beautiful, It Starts to Rain

Read "So Beautiful, It Starts to Rain" reviewed by Vic Albani

John Butcher sta lentamente prendendo il posto di “sua maestà" Evan Parker che potremmo definire quasi uno specialista degli incontri in duo con percussionisti vari. Scherzi a parte, il sessantatreenne sassofonista di Brighton attivo discograficamente sin dalla fine degli anni Ottanta, torna a far brillare casa Clean Feed da una parte con una ristampa di un lavoro precedentemente pubblicato nel 2006 accanto a Paal Nilssen-Love (Concentric) e dall'altra con questo nuovo lavoro con Ståle Liavik Solberg, ricalcando una ...

Album Review

John Butcher / Ståle Liavik Solberg: So Beautiful, It Starts To Rain

Read "So Beautiful, It Starts To Rain" reviewed by John Sharpe

British saxophonist John Butcher and Norwegian percussionist Ståle Liavik Solberg come together in a striking first meeting recorded live at north London's Cafe Oto in August 2015. Butcher brings to bear all the experience one would expect from one of the so-called second generation of English improvisers. Solberg, who co-curates Oslo's Blow Out! Festival each January, has worked extensively with other members of the same cohort such as pianist Steve Beresford and guitarist John Russell, so it's no surprise he ...

Album Review

John Butcher, Thomas Lehn, Matthew Shipp: Tangle

Read "Tangle" reviewed by John Eyles

Recorded at Café Oto in February 2014, on the first night of pianist Matthew Shipp's three-day residency at the venue, Tangle is the first recording of the trio of saxophonist John Butcher and synthesiser player Thomas Lehn with Shipp. (The YouTube clip, below, was filmed on the night in question.) Typically, there were previous links between the three, with evidence being available on past Fataka releases; Butcher and Lehn had first collaborated as far back as 1996 and, in June ...

Multiple Reviews

Catching up with John Butcher at 60

Read "Catching up with John Butcher at 60" reviewed by John Eyles

In November 2014, saxophonist John Butcher celebrated his sixtieth birthday over two evenings at Cafe Oto, London, in the company of musicians including Gino Robair, Tony Buck, Magda Mayas, dieb13, Olie Brice, Guillaume Viltard, Adam Bohman and Ute Kanngiesser, with Butcher playing both solo and in various small groupings. At those gigs, he demonstrated all the attributes that have made him one of the most adventurous and intriguing saxophonists of the past few decades and showed that the arrival of ...

Catching Up With

John Butcher: So Far

Read "John Butcher: So Far" reviewed by Sammy Stein

Saxophonist John Butcher's career could have taken an academic path. He completed a Ph.D in theoretical physics--Charmed Quarks to be precise--but left the academic world behind shortly thereafter. As a saxophonist, Butcher has played with and collaborated with many musicians. He is not afraid to try completely off the wall musical experimentation. All About Jazz: What is your background? Where did you grow up and how did you come to music? John Butcher: ...

Album Review

John Butcher, Thomas Lehn, John Tilbury: Exta

Read "Exta" reviewed by John Eyles

The trio of saxophonist John Butcher, synthesiser player Thomas Lehn and pianist John Tilbury had a certain inevitability about it. Although they had not recorded together prior to this album, each of the three possible pairs had done so--Lehn and Tilbury when the Englishman recorded the extraordinary The Hands of Caravaggio (Erstwhile, 2002) with MIMEO of which Lehn was a member, Butcher and Tilbury when the saxophonist joined AMM to record Trinity (Matchless, 2008), and Butcher and Lehn when the ...


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