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Article: Album Review

Raoul Bjorkenheim eCsTaSy: Out of the Blue

Read "Out of the Blue" reviewed by Mario Calvitti

Raoul Bjorkenheim è uno di quei chitarristi difficili da inquadrare, per via di uno stile strumentale composito che prende in egual misura da rock, jazz, e libera improvvisazione. Anche la sua musica, di conseguenza, si viene a trovare spesso alla confluenza di questi tre generi, e il suo ultimo quartetto eCsTaSy non fa eccezione, anche se ...


Article: Album Review

Shelton / Lonberg-Holm / Rosaly: Resounder

Read "Resounder" reviewed by Mark Corroto

There is no connection whatsoever between the improvised electro-acoustic music of Resounder and Carl Stalling's musical accompaniment and his adaptations of music composed by Raymond Scott for Warner Brothers' Merrie Melodies and Looney Tunes cartoon. Except that, the music of Aram Shelton, Fred Lonberg-Holm, and Frank Rosaly evokes a sort of theatre of the mind. The ...

Article: Album Review

Various Artists: I Never Meta Guitar Three

Read "I Never Meta Guitar Three" reviewed by Mario Calvitti

Il terzo volume della serie antologica curata da Elliott Sharp e dedicata alla chitarra del XXI secolo segue l'impostazione dei primi due, aggiungendo il contributo di altri 18 chitarristi. Come nel caso dei due precedenti, l'enfasi è dedicata all'esplorazione delle possibilità di generare nuove sonorità con una chitarra, acustica o elettrica, utilizzando tecniche per lo più ...



Label: Cuneiform Records
Released: 2014
Track listing: El Pueblo Unido; Sos; Deeper; No Delay; Through The Looking Glass; As Luck Would Have It; Subterranean Samba; Threshold; The Sky Is Ruby.


Article: Live Review

Tampere Jazz Happening 2014

Read "Tampere Jazz Happening 2014" reviewed by Henning Bolte

Tampere Jazz Happening Tampere, Finland October 30--November 2, 2014 On the way from the airport to the city of Tampere you pass by Nokia, situated fifteen kilometres west of Tampere, the Scandinavian city famous for its gumboots and cables, and famous for its mobile phones. For a while 'Nokia' was synonymous ...


Article: Album Review

Jim Pembroke: If The Rain Comes

Read "If The Rain Comes" reviewed by Dave Wayne

Singer / songwriter Jim Pembroke has had a fascinating career to say the least. A native Londoner, Pembroke journeyed to Finland to visit his then-girlfriend in the mid-1960s. He wound up staying, and by the end of the decade he had recorded an album with the seminal Finnish rock band, Blues Section, taught himself piano, and ...


Article: Album Review

Raoul Bjorkenheim and eCsTaSy: eCsTaSy

Read "eCsTaSy" reviewed by Dave Wayne

For me, guitarist Raoul Bjorkenheim is one of those musicians whose albums are always the subject of eager anticipation. His playing is both emotionally cathartic and intellectually gratifying. His highly-charged, utterly distinctive and immediately recognizable sound has been at the center of a number of fascinating cooperative groups over the past few years, including Scorch Trio ...


Article: Album Review

Dusan Jevtovic: Am I Walking Wrong?

Read "Am I Walking Wrong?" reviewed by Dave Wayne

As guitar-based fusion albums go, Am I Walking Wrong? is an auspicious and mature debut recording by the Barcelona-based, Serbian- born Dusan Jevtovic. What's immediately apparent is that Jevtovic places soloing on equal footing with composing, while sound, ambiance, motivic development, and the very way in which an improvisation fits into a composition takes precedence over ...


Article: Extended Analysis

Juhani Aaltonen: To Future Memories – The Music of Antti Hytti

Read "Juhani Aaltonen: To Future Memories – The Music of Antti Hytti" reviewed by Dave Wayne

Can anyone just decide, on a whim, to take up an instrument and simply become a working musician anymore? That's precisely what Juhani Aaltonen did as an eighteen year-old living in the town of Inkeroinen, in central Finland back in the early 1950s. Apart from a year of study at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, and ...


Article: Album Review

The Young Mothers: A Mothers Work Is Never Done

Read "A Mothers Work Is Never Done" reviewed by Mark Corroto

Ingebrigt Håker Flaten reminds us that jazz is the musical equivalent of a dark star, a musical black hole, absorbing all musical energy and classifications. The Norwegian-born bassist-turned Austin, TX resident assembled a multi-genre sextet under the uncategorizable name The Young Mothers. Sure, let's not call this jazz, because it would alienate 99% of fans. But ...


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