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Article: Record Label Profile

Sharp Nine Records

Read "Sharp Nine Records" reviewed by Laurel Gross

It's a scene of riches: a marigold-colored moon so bright and full it looks like a gold coin tossed into the end-of-summer sky, while skyscraper windows towering over New York City's Central Park glitter like diamonds. But the real richness of this particular evening is in the music played by six musicians framed in ...


Article: Album Review

Gilad Hekselman: SplitLife

Read "SplitLife" reviewed by Laurel Gross

Not that long out of school, guitarist Gilad Hekselman has already begun to create a body of work possessing a distinctive lyricism and easily embraceable artfulness that seems to reach beyond his years. Born in 1983 and transplanted to the US from Israel, Hekselman's highly effective debut album--aptly named Splitlife--strides dual worlds, Middle East and West, ...


Article: Album Review

Sacha Perry: Not Brand X

Read "Not Brand X" reviewed by Laurel Gross

If you are looking for music to snooze by, steer clear of Sacha Perry. He is an electrifying pianist, like putting your finger in a socket. On Not Brand X, Perry delves into an unusual array of standards, which Perry-ized are anything but “standard. There's a bounce, a swing, but dissonance and sure-handed ...


Article: Album Review

Jean-Michel Pilc: New Dreams

Read "New Dreams" reviewed by Laurel Gross

Like a master builder, pianist Jean-Michel Pilc constructs and reconstructs, but instead of fixed or stable edifices his creations are more like castles in the air. All the better. There's nothing stiff or rigid about what he makes through his playing and composing so there's room for listeners to breathe as they explore these new spaces ...


Article: Album Review

Richie Beirach Trio: Manhattan Reverie

Read "Manhattan Reverie" reviewed by Laurel Gross

It was all in the eyes. They say peek into someone's eyes if you really want to see what they're about and how they're feeling. From the looks of things at a performance to celebrate his sixtieth birthday at Birdland at the end of August 2007, it seemed that Richie Beirach was feeling good. Sounded tops, ...


Article: Album Review

Craig Yaremko: Sync

Read "Sync" reviewed by Laurel Gross

For those who want an indication of whether their tastes are in sync with an artist's essence, going along for a ride with multi-reedist Craig Yaremko is as straight-ahead as driving on a highway. Yet this is also someone who likes taking the scenic route. These are not detours off the main path but intrinsically threaded ...


Article: Album Review

Josh Irving Quintet: A Common Thread

Read "A Common Thread" reviewed by Laurel Gross

Josh Irving impressively soldiered on during a live celebration in July, 2007, of the release of A Common Thread at New York City's Smalls--an event at which only two of the six musicians featured on the recording were present. That he could successfully make the best of what would not seem optimal circumstances ...


Article: Album Review

Tom Harrell: Light On

Read "Light On" reviewed by Laurel Gross

Tom Harrell is like that rare good friend who is exempt from the usual “three-day rule for house guests--after which even the best of buds can loose their bloom. If he has nothing to say, he doesn't fill your ears with empty phrases. And if he knows he can't be fully present on a visit with ...


Article: Profile

Duck Baker: Spinning Song

Read "Duck Baker: Spinning Song" reviewed by Laurel Gross

If you have to ask who Duck Baker is, don't beat yourself up. Not a fixture on the New York scene, this accomplished acoustic finger-picking guitarist, composer and improviser--who has devoted himself to free music, modern jazz, swing, blues, gospel, Appalachian fiddling, Irish and Scottish folk song and other influences that were absorbed within these borders--isn't ...


Article: Album Review

Rafi Malkiel: My Island

Read "My Island" reviewed by Laurel Gross

Will My Island change the course of jazz? As the Gershwin song goes, “Who Cares. We're having too much fun swaying along to dreamy orchestrations and anticipating what may happen next in this world trombonist Rafi Malkiel has conjured out of thin air and musical prowess to worry about such things. His creation ...


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