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Article: Album Review

Keith Oxman: This One's for Joey

Read "This One's for Joey" reviewed by Jack Bowers

The “Joey" saluted on Denver-based tenor saxophonist Keith Oxman's latest album is Joey Pearlman, a jazz bassist who died far too soon, at age twenty-four, in Febuary 2021. Joey's “music and personality," Oxman writes, “brightened every day for us at [Denver's] East High School. His presence brought joy to our music room...as he challenged us with ...

News: Birthday

Jazz Musician of the Day: Larry Young

Jazz Musician of the Day: Larry Young

All About Jazz is celebrating Larry Young's birthday today! A true innovator on the Hammond B3, Young took a different musical path than any of the other organ masters of his time: Although he started out drawing his major influences from the work of Jimmy Smith and the gospel and blues elements that other players employed, ...

Article: Live Review

Anxur in Jazz: take one

Read "Anxur in Jazz: take one" reviewed by Daniele Vogrig

Anxur in Jazz Terracina Tempio di Giove Anxur 19-21.8.2021 Circa due anni fa ebbi la fortuna di intervistare (e conoscere) un astro assoluto del jazz internazionale come Rosario Giuliani. Da tempo desideravo incontrarlo, ma fatta eccezione per alcuni concerti e qualche fugace saluto non capitò mai la circostanza adatta per scambiare ...


Article: Album Review

Muriel Grossmann: Quiet Earth

Read "Quiet Earth" reviewed by Mark Corroto

Anyone familiar with Tibetan Buddhism will know that once their spiritual leader or Dalai Lama dies, officials set off in search of his reincarnation, interviewing and examining potential postulants. Listening to Quiet Earth by Austrian saxophonist Muriel Grossmann one cannot help but ask if she might be the reincarnation or avatar of the late John Coltrane. ...


Article: Album Review

Mikko Innanen / Cedric Piromalli / Stefan Pasborg: This Is It

Read "This Is It" reviewed by Mark Corroto

When a Finn, a Dane, and a Frenchman take on the organ trio genre expect it to be funky and supercool. And This is It is just that. This new group pivots around Cedric Piromalli's Hammond organ in ways you might expect if you are a fan of the Blue Note 1960s sounds of Big John ...


News: Recording

The Complete Joe Henderson Blue Note Studio Sessions Now Available on Mosaic Records

The Complete Joe Henderson Blue Note Studio Sessions Now Available on Mosaic Records

When you get your copy of Mosaic’s new five-CD collector’s set, The Complete Joe Henderson Blue Note Studio Sessions, you’ll be holding a master key to unlocking 1960s jazz. That’s a big statement. But when you consider how much was happening from 1963 to 1966, the years covered by this collection, and contemplate how many different ...


Article: Hardly Strictly Jazz

Marty Sheller: The Name Behind The Sound You All Know, Part 1

Read "Marty Sheller: The Name Behind The Sound You All Know, Part 1" reviewed by Skip Heller

There are certain musicians who embody eras, even if they're not the player with their picture on the cover. In our contemporary musical climate, Greg Leisz comes to mind. Since 1991, he has popped up on hundreds of acclaimed albums, and without ever really changing his style, he has become centrifugal beyond the considerations of genre ...


Article: Building a Jazz Library

Instrumental Duos

Read "Instrumental Duos" reviewed by Karl Ackermann

The early days of jazz were not always harmonious. Converted dance orchestras often sounded like unbalanced acoustic junkyards; a single violin, cornet, trombone, clarinet, tuba, drums, banjo, and piano, all fighting for attention. The piano was meant to be the glue holding the shrill and boisterous elements together. In 1921 a prodigy pianist named Zez Confrey ...


Article: Building a Jazz Library

Guitar Gods & Goddesses: An Alternative Top Ten Albums

Read "Guitar Gods & Goddesses: An Alternative Top Ten Albums" reviewed by Chris May

Although it has been present in jazz since the 1920s, when it was routinely used in rhythm sections, as a solo instrument the guitar struggled to make itself heard--literally--until the second half of the 1930s, when reliable pick-ups and portable amplifiers became available. Foremost among the pioneers of the electrified instrument was Charlie Christian, a member ...

News: Birthday

Jazz Musician of the Day: Larry Young

Jazz Musician of the Day: Larry Young

All About Jazz is celebrating Larry Young's birthday today! A true innovator on the Hammond B3, Young took a different musical path than any of the other organ masters of his time: Although he started out drawing his major influences from the work of Jimmy Smith and the gospel and blues elements that other players employed, ...


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