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Article: Album Review

Mike Stern - Jeff Lorber Fusion: Eleven

Read "Eleven" reviewed by Jim Worsley

Eleven is a record co-led by fusion giants Mike Stern and Jeff Lorber. It features ten songs (Stern laughingly stated that he never was very good at math) which are a mix of originals and reworked vintage. Stern was also quoted as saying that he and Lorber are from “different orbits." One thing they do have ...


Article: SoCal Jazz

Mike Stern: Different Orbits

Read "Mike Stern: Different Orbits" reviewed by Jim Worsley

Having arrived in jny: London from jny: New York City to play two nights at legendary Ronnie Scott's with Dave Weckl, Tom Kennedy, and Randy Brecker, Mike Stern was understandably jet lagged. The revered guitarist and composer has no doubt become used to it. Traveling the world for many years now, the gifted artist can be ...


ARC Trio

Label: Blue Canoe Records
Released: 2018
Track listing: Owosso; West Orange; Conchita; Viera; Joan Miró; Cedars; Sprite; Palo Alto; I'm Hip; Goan Wanderer.


Article: Album Review

Human Element: You Are In You

Read "You Are In You" reviewed by Mike Jacobs

Seeking to expand upon the stylistic legacy of Joe Zawinul... Only a group of pretty heavily respected musicians could pull off a mission statement like that. Yet that's pretty much what keyboardist Scott Kinsey, bassist Matthew Garrison, drummer Gary Novak, and percussionist / vocalist Arto Tuncboyaciyan declared when they formed Human Element.


Song of the Day

West Orange (feat. Steve Tavaglione)

Label: Blue Canoe Records
Released: 2018
Duration: 5:09

Results for pages tagged "Gary Novak"...


Jimmy Haslip, Scott Kinsey, Gergö Borlai

Jazz Superstars Jimmy Haslip, Scott Kinsey and Gergö Borlai team up to deliver a powerful album with gorgeous songs, deep grooves and inspiring improvisations. Featuring guest appearances by Vinnie Colaiuta, Gary Novak, Steve Tavaglione and Judd Miller. “Arc Trio” is a must-have for fans of virtuosic musicianship.


Article: Lyrics

Nuove Orchestre Alla Ribalta

Read "Nuove Orchestre Alla Ribalta" reviewed by Angelo Leonardi

Da anni non si vedevano all'opera tanti nuovi ensemble, sia negli Stati Uniti che in Europa. Le cinque formazioni che presentiamo spaziano da quella giovanile come l'italiana New Talents Jazz Orchestra guidata da Mario Corvini (Extempora) alla big band di John Beasley ricca di stelle (Monk'estra -Vol. 1); dai progetti norvegesi del pianista Rune Klakegg (Fjon) ...


Article: Extended Analysis

The Man Who Changed Guitar Forever!

Read "The Man Who Changed Guitar Forever!" reviewed by John Kelman

In a time when album sales are a challenge being mitigated, at least to some extent, by the release of deluxe editions and box sets, it's still more necessary than ever to grab potential listeners with imagery and words; the title of a box set can have, especially for those less than intimately familiar with the ...


Article: Album Review

Scott Kinsey: Near Life Experience

Read "Near Life Experience" reviewed by John Kelman

It's been a full decade since Scott Kinsey last released an album under his own name (the 2006 Abstract Logix debut, Kinesthetics) and, if anything, Near Life Experience manages to trump actually its predecessor in both ambition and Kinsey's significant cast of invited contributors. Near Life Experience also continues to hone the cinematic keyboardist's increasingly expansive, ...


Article: Album Review

Randy Bernsen: Grace Notes

Read "Grace Notes" reviewed by Geannine Reid

Grace Notes is a tasteful album, chalked full of fresh, creative compositions by guitarist Randy Bernsen. If you like the Rippingtons, Weather Report or the Yellowjackets, you will love this CD, too! As a composer and player, Bernsen possesses a unique creative vibe that does combine a wonderful “grace" that you can hear in every note ...


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