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Label: Polystar / Libra
Released: 2012
Track listing: 1. Attaccati li tricci (trad.) - 5:09; 2. Fotografia I (Turrisi) - 2:45; 3. Pensierino I, in mille pezzi - 0:52; 4. Luiza (A.C. Jobim) - 2:15; 5. Pensierino II, sono l’uomo ombra - 3:33; 6. Pensierosa (for Helen) (Turrisi) - 5:28; 7. Pensierino III, rimorso - 2:52; 8. Alla Carpinese (trad.) - 7:38; 9. Pensierino IV, formicai - 2:36; 10. Lachrimae (for My Father) (Turrisi) - 4:37; 11. Pensierino V, scarabocchio - 2:47; 12. Pensierino VI, il lago fantasma - 3:17; 13. Fotografia II (Turrisi) - 2:54; 14. Pensierino VII, verso il basso - 4:35; 15. Attaccati li tricci II (trad.) - 11:05. Ove non indicato i brani sono improvvisati.

Article: Album Review

Francesco Turrisi: Fotografia

Read "Fotografia" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

Nuovo interessante lavoro di Francesco Turrisi, pianista torinese trasferitosi in Irlanda e eccellente tessitore di musiche diverse. Dopo Sì dolce è il tormento, su ispirazione di musiche seicentesche e con un ensemble assai curioso, qui lo troviamo in un classico trio piano-basso-batteria, a suonare, però, cose tutt'altro che scontate. L'ispirazione anche stavolta viene in parte dalla ...



Label: Diatribe Records
Released: 2011
Track listing: Attaccati Li Tricci; Fotographia I; Pensierino I, in mille pezzi; Luiza; Pensierino II, sono l'uomo ombra; Pensierosa (For Helen); Pensierino III, rimorso; Alla Carpinese; Pensierino IV, formicai; Lachrimae (for my father); Pensierino V, scarabocchio; Pensierino VI, il lago fantasma; Fotographia II; Pensierino VII, verso il basso; Attaccati Li Tricci II.



Label: Diatribe Records
Released: 2011
Track listing: Attaccati li Tricci; Fotographia I; Pensierino I, in mille pezze; Luzia; Pensierino II, sono l'uomo ombra; Pensierosa (for Helen); Pensierino III, rimorso; Alla Carpinese; Pensierino IV, formicai; Lachrimae (for my father); Pensierino V, scarabocchio; Pensierino VI, ill ago fantasma; Fotografia II; Pensierino VII, verso il basso; Attaccato li Tricci II.


Article: Interview

Francesco Turrisi: In Pursuit of Ecstasy

Read "Francesco Turrisi: In Pursuit of Ecstasy" reviewed by Ian Patterson

It has often been said that composer/harpsichordist/violinist Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was the first jazz musician. His contrapuntal techniques and ideas on harmony, rhythm and form have influenced countless jazz musicians. Numerous are the jazz musicians who have also studied classical music, usually prior to shifting to jazz. Few, however, are those who have taken a ...


News: Interview

Multi-Instrumentalist Francesco Turrisi Interviewed at All About Jazz!

Multi-Instrumentalist  Francesco Turrisi Interviewed at All About Jazz!

It has often been said that composer/harpsichordist/violinist Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was the first jazz musician. His contrapuntal techniques and ideas on harmony, rhythm and form have influenced countless jazz musicians. Numerous are the jazz musicians who have also studied classical music, usually prior to shifting to jazz. Few, however, are those who have taken a ...


Article: Album Review

Francesco Turrisi: Fotographia

Read "Fotographia" reviewed by Greg Simmons

Encouraging experimentation is the lifeblood of jazz. It keeps the music vital and ensures that new voices get to have their say. The minute the music becomes a museum relic, played through a fixed, orthodox interpretation, is the moment it dies an ignominious death. Thank goodness, then, for musicians like pianist Francesco Turrisi, who embraces creative ...


Article: Album Review

Francesco Turrisi: Fotografia

Read "Fotografia" reviewed by Ian Patterson

It would be simplistic to call pianist Francesco Turrisi an experimenter, though his music embraces myriad cultural influences, from his native Italy through the length and breadth of the Mediterranean, straddling the centuries, and imbibing from sources as diverse as baroque, Moorish airs and jazz; simplistic, because his music flows as naturally as a river follows ...


Song of the Day

Attaccati li Tricci

Label: Diatribe Records
Released: 2011
Duration: 05:10


Sì dolce è il tormento

Label: Polystar / Libra
Released: 2010
Track listing: 1. Sì Dolce e il Tormento (Claudio Monteverdi) - 3:32; 2. Salve Regina - 3:11; 3. Passacaglia - 4:38; 4. Ciaccona - 6:27; 5. Lamento di Paolo e Francesca - 3:15; 6. Canzonetta Spirituale sopra la Nanna (Tarquinio Merula) - 5:46; 7. Passamezzo Antico - 5:53; 8. Variazioni sopra la Follia - 13:22; 9. Toccata - 3:20; 10. La Monica - 3:46. Ove non segnalato le composizioni sono di Francesco Turrisi.


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