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Article: Live Review

European Jazz Conference Lisbon 2018: Portuguese showcases

Read "European Jazz Conference Lisbon 2018: Portuguese showcases" reviewed by Henning Bolte

Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB); Livraria Ler Devagar European Jazz Conference Lisbon 2018 Lisbon, Portugal September 13-15, 2018 European Jazz Conference Lisbon 2018: Portuguese showcases This year's annual European Jazz Conference, a convention organized by the European Jazz Network, took place at Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB) in the Portuguese capital ...


Article: Album Review

Andy Zimmerman: Half Light

Read "Half Light" reviewed by Karl Ackermann

Saxophonist Andy Zimmerman is not a household name. The native Chicagoan has been composing, performing, and teaching music for more than two decades. In part, he comes to the subscription-based vinyl label Newvelle by virtue of a long association with the label's co-founder Elan Mehler, himself an accomplished jazz pianist. Mehler and Zimmerman played together at ...


Article: Album Review

Uri Gurvich: Kinship

Read "Kinship" reviewed by Luca Casarotti

Nel cursus discografico di Uri Gurvich c'è qualcosa di prezioso come un progetto non estemporaneo, ma protratto sul lungo periodo. È questa ricerca di coerenza che ha portato il sassofonista israeliano ha registrare i suoi dischi insieme a un quartetto rimasto immutato negli anni: questo Kinship, uscito per Jazz Family, fa seguito ai due precedenti lavori ...


Article: Album Review

Steve Cardenas: Charlie & Paul

Read "Charlie & Paul" reviewed by Karl Ackermann

The third season of the subscription-based vinyl label Newvelle launches with a quartet led by guitarist Steve Cardenas. A Kansas City native, he cut his teeth in that city before moving to New York in the mid-1990s. Cardenas has appeared on more than fifty albums playing with Ben Allison, Jon Cowherd, Chris Cheek, Eliane Elias, Chris ...


Article: Album Review

Dafnis Prieto Big Band: Back to the Sunset

Read "Back to the Sunset" reviewed by Jack Bowers

The alliance of Latin music and American jazz ripened on these shores more than seventy years ago, nourished by pioneers such as Mario Bauza, Chano Pozo, Dizzy Gillespie, Machito, Tito Puente and others. It has been carried forward and enhanced since then by a succession of remarkable innovators including in recent years the Cuban-born drummer Dafnis ...


Article: Multiple Reviews

The Art of the Quintet: Voro Garcia and Magnus Thuelund

Read "The Art of the Quintet: Voro Garcia and Magnus Thuelund" reviewed by Jakob Baekgaard

A good form is hard to find, but the quintet offers plenty of variety in terms of musical texture and yet has the intimacy that a larger band often misses. Here are two artists who both take full advantage of the format of the quintet. Both are leaders who write their own tunes, and both are ...



Label: Self Produced
Released: 2017
Track listing: The Heights; Waiting; America; Devices; Chic Korea; London Blues; For Marie Elaine; New Day; Breaking Light; Family Tree.


Article: Live Review

FORQ at The World Cafe Live

Read "FORQ at The World Cafe Live" reviewed by Mike Jacobs

FORQ The World Café Live Philadelphia PA July 31 2017 One can be well-versed in the two (whoops, now three) albums worth of music by FORQ, (and in the music from the other bands the individual members hail from) and still not be totally prepared for the impact of ...


Article: Album Review

Matija Dedić: Dedication

Read "Dedication" reviewed by Dan McClenaghan

Croatian pianist Matija Dedic opens his Dedicated with the extraordinarily lovely and wistful “Symphoetetic Waltz." Saxophonist  Chris Cheek's sweet saxophone floats like an angel over this chamber jazz esthetic. Pianist Dedic tells this--and all of the stories on the disc--with a crystal clear clarity. Upping the chamber jazz mood, cellist Noah Hoffeld enters on “His Visit" ...

News: Video / DVD

StLJN Saturday Video Showcase: Six St. Louis saxophonists you should know

StLJN Saturday Video Showcase: Six St. Louis saxophonists you should know

When talk turns to saxophonists from St. Louis, many knowledgeable music fans will associate our city with David Sanborn and World Saxophone Quartet founding members Hamiet Bluiett, Oliver Lake and Julius Hemphill. Sanborn, Bluiett, and Lake all grew up in this area, and Hemphill, though not a native, made an important contribution to the Black Artists ...


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