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Article: Album Review

Kenny Davern and Joe Temperley: Live at the Floating Jazz Festival

Read "Live at the Floating Jazz Festival" reviewed by C. Michael Bailey

A Rollicking Blowing Session on the High Seas... The musicians comprising this band, save possibly for Joe Temperley, are all associated with a traditional mainstream group of musicians typically showing up on the Arbors, Nagel Heyer, Chiaroscuro, and Concord Labels. They include, in addition to these present, Ruby Braff, Howard Alden, Randy Moss, Randy Sandke, Mark ...


Article: Album Review

Ralph Sutton and Ruby Braff: R & R

Read "R & R" reviewed by Dave Nathan

Whether it be taking the time to address all the nuances of “Little Rock Getaway" by playing this Joe Sullivan classic at a much slower pace than usual, or mildly swinging and shaking “Big Butter and Egg Man", or splitting the rhythm on “Tain't So Honey, Taint So", the style and substance of the music created ...


Article: Album Review

Kenny Davern & Joe Temperley: Live at the Floating Jazz Festival

Read "Live at the Floating Jazz Festival" reviewed by Dave Nathan

Although these veteran performers at the 18th Floating Jazz Festival had been around for quite, they had never played together as a group. There was also a bit of concern with having a baritone sax and clarinet on the front line. Not unexpectedly with these highly skilled artists, their concerns were unjustified. Joe Temperley, who is ...


Article: Album Review

Joe Venuti/Zoot Sims: Joe & Zoot & More

Read "Joe & Zoot & More" reviewed by Dave Nathan

One of the more satisfying experiences in jazz is when some long forgotten (except by a few) gems have been unearthed, dusted off and reissued (or issued for the first time0. This CD seems to be a mixture of two - first time issued and reissued sessions coming from the 1970's. Sims and Venuti collaborated for ...


Article: Album Review

Joe Venuti: Joe & Zoot & More

Read "Joe & Zoot & More" reviewed by C. Michael Bailey

The Sad Clown as Phoenix... Giuseppi Venuti (1903—1978) was born en route to America form Italy. He claimed Philadelphia as home, and Philadelphia claims him as a favorite son. Venuti and childhood chum Eddie Lang provided the American violin/guitar foil to European team of Stephane Grappelli and Django Reinhardt. Venuti and Lang made some of the ...


Article: Album Review

Kathy Kosins: Mood Swings

Read "Mood Swings" reviewed by C. Michael Bailey

Original Vocal Jazz-- The New Standards...   Kathy Kosins has a smart mouth. It is manifested in the jazz vocal jewels she composes and sings. The Detroit native sang back up vocals for Was (Not Was), as well as Nelson Riddle's Orchestra before releasing her maiden voyage All In A Dream's Work in 1995. She followed ...


Article: Album Review

Mike Jones: Mike Jones Stretches Out (in Las Vegas)

Read "Mike Jones Stretches Out (in Las Vegas)" reviewed by AAJ Staff

I read while listening to music, as many people do. I read lots of different things: sports magazines, novels, email, psychology research papers. I love to do this, and it isn't often I listen to an album that distracts me from my reading simply by what it presents. This album was an exception, however. ...


Article: Album Review

Kathy Kosins: Mood Swings

Read "Mood Swings" reviewed by Jim Santella

Her self-produced album showcases the Detroit native's songwriting: 7 of the 11 songs are hers. They're refreshing songs. “No Ordinary Joe" is based on the chord changes to “Pennies From Heaven." Kathy Kosins has studied the jazz repertoire, and consumed several years in creating this album. Her thin, light vocal quality, however, deters her from convincing. ...


Article: Album Review

Mike Jones: Stretches Out

Read "Stretches Out" reviewed by C. Michael Bailey

Mike Jones resides at the end of a piano lineage that includes Dick Hyman, Dave McKenna, Dick Wellstood, Ralph Sutton, and Art Hodes. All of these pianists I consider to be “full service" players. They are full service in the respect that they are fluent in most, if not all, jazz and popular styles and all ...


Article: Album Review

Mike Jones: Mike Jones Stretches Out (in Las Vegas)

Read "Mike Jones Stretches Out (in Las Vegas)" reviewed by AAJ Staff

I read while listening to music, as many people do. I read lots of different things: sports magazines, novels, email, psychology research papers. I love to do this, and it isn't often I listen to an album that distracts me from my reading simply by what it presents. This album was an exception, however.


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