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Article: Live Review

Jazzfest Bonn 2018

Read "Jazzfest Bonn 2018" reviewed by Henning Bolte

Jazzfest Bonn Bonn, Germany May 3-5, 2018 The city of Bonn, situated on the banks of the Rhine River south of Cologne in the German state of North Rhine Westphalia, is the southernmost part of the Rhine-Ruhr region, Germany's largest metropolitan area, with over 11 million inhabitants. Bonn formerly functioned as the ...


Article: Live Review

Cologne Open 2018

Read "Cologne Open 2018" reviewed by Henning Bolte

Cologne Open Stadtgarten Cologne, Gemany March 1-2, 2018 Cologne Open, the first edition of a new showcase festival offering a selection of the city's jazz musicians, spanned two nights in the renowned Stadtgarten venue. It was launched on the occasion of a meeting of the newly established Artistic ...


NYC Five

Label: Intakt Records
Released: 2016
Track listing: The Barn Thing; And Over; Invaded; The Liquid Stone; Parsifal; Fr Krefeld.


Article: Year in Review

Troy Dostert's Best Releases of 2016

Read "Troy Dostert's Best Releases of 2016" reviewed by Troy Dostert

It has been an exciting year for artists perched on the precipice between jazz and other idioms. Each of these releases manages in its own way both to challenge and to inspire the listener, and the stylistic variety on display is an encouraging sign that creative music is truly in good hands! ...

Article: Album Review

Angelika Niescier, Florian Weber: NYC Five

Read "NYC Five" reviewed by Stefano Merighi

Una bella pattuglia di ragazze sassofoniste sono maturate in questi ultimi anni. E accanto alle varie Matana Roberts, Ingrid Laubrock, Mette Rasmussen, Virginia Genta, si accomoda ora Angelika Niescier, musicista davvero straordinaria, impegnata sia artisticamente che socialmente. Polacca di nascita, tedesca di adozione (dirige il Winterjazz a Colonia), giramondo di vocazione (ha lavorato nella striscia di ...


Quite Simply

Released: 2011
Track listing: 01. Diffractions; 02. Mithra's Despair; 03. Congeniality (O.Coleman); 04. Level 3; 05. Uncertainty Principle; 06. 69-0 (A.Braxton); 07. Untitled; 08. Bajazzo. Tutte le composizioni sono di Angelika Niescier tranne quelle indicate.

Article: Album Review

Angelika Niescier: Quite Simply

Read "Quite Simply" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

Thomas Morgan e Tyshawn Sorey sono due giganti dei rispettivi strumenti. Presenti in numerose incisioni e formazioni che testimoniano i fermenti più creativi della scena statunitense hanno raggiunto una statura artistica tale da lasciare il marchio ad ogni loro partecipazione. E da valorizzare al massimo le qualità dei partner. Come avviene in questo Quiet Simply con ...


Sublim III

Label: Enja Records
Released: 2009


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