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Article: Album Review

Evan Parker/John Russell/John Edwards, Pat Thomas, Alison Blunt/Benedict Taylor/David Leahy, Kay Grant/Alex Ward: Making Rooms

Read "Making Rooms" reviewed by John Eyles

Originated by guitarist John Russell and pianist/trumpeter Chris Burn, Mopomoso is an improvised-music organisation that has run a series of monthly concerts in London ever since 1991, making it the longest-running such series in the UK. Between April 23rd and 30th 2013, Mopomoso embarked on a tour of England which visited seven cities outside London. At ...


Projected / Entities / Removal

Label: Copepod Records
Released: 2015
Track listing: Projected; Entities; Removal.


Glass Shelves and Floor

Label: Copepod Records
Released: 2015
Track listing: Glass Shelves and Floor (version 1 – studio) ; Glass Shelves and Floor (version 2 – live).


Article: Album Review

Alex Ward Trios & Sextet: Projected / Entities / Removal

Read "Projected / Entities / Removal" reviewed by John Eyles

This release follows so hard on the heels of Glass Shelves and Floor (Copepod, 2015) by Alex Ward Quintet that it is tempting to see the two as a matched pair. Released on Ward's own Copepod label, the two have consecutive serial numbers and very similar sleeve designs and graphics. Each of the albums is titled ...


Article: Album Review

Stefan Keune/Dominic Lash/Steve Noble: Fractions

Read "Fractions" reviewed by John Sharpe

German reedman Stefan Keune has shown a strong affinity for British improv since making a connection with drummer Paul Lytton in 1990. Since then his discography records a number of dates with guitarist John Russell, including appearances at London's now dormant Freedom of the City festival. This limited edition LP, recorded at Russell's Mopomoso gathering at ...


Article: Album Review

Alex Ward Quintet: Glass Shelves and Floor

Read "Glass Shelves and Floor" reviewed by John Eyles

From the personnel of his new quintet, it is obvious that clarinetist Alex Ward keeps his finger on the pulse of the London music scene. In selecting players to join him, he has hit upon four highly-rated musicians who have been impressing audiences in the capital for some years. The quintet's cellist Hannah Marshall is a ...


Article: Album Review

Colin Webster/Mark Holub: Viscera

Read "Viscera" reviewed by Sammy Stein

To be able to say you have heard something unique is rare these days. Of course, every musician's recordings are unique but occasionally there arrives an album which is truly 'stand alone' and Viscera (New Atlantic),the third album by saxophonist Colin Webster and drummer Mark Holub is one such album. The album consists of track after ...


Article: Lyrics

Save the Date - Maggio 2014

Read "Save the Date - Maggio 2014" reviewed by Luca Canini

Maggio, tempo di festival. L'estate si avvicina e nel Bel Paese è tutto uno sbocciare di rassegne. I mega eventi da piazza piena e sudata, i soliti programmi fotocopiati, le inutili poltiglie che tanto piacciono agli assessori e le proposte che invece piacciono a noi di All About Jazz. Non tantissime, a dire il vero. Siamo ...


Article: Album Review

N.E.W.: Motion

Read "Motion" reviewed by Mark Corroto

The candy known as Reese's peanut butter cups ran an advertisement for years where two snackers feigned and argument that went something like; “you got your peanut butter in my chocolate!" followed by “no, you got your chocolate in my peanut butter!" The parties ultimately agreed that these two flavors, taste great together. Same can be ...


Article: Album Review

N.E.W.: Motion

Read "Motion" reviewed by John Eyles

Together for over a decade, and having released two previous albums on the Bo' Weavil label, N.E.W.--the trio of drummer Steve Noble, bassist John Edwards and Alex Ward on electric guitar--need no introduction. They have nothing left to prove. Live and on disc they have shown that they are a force to be reckoned with--tight, energetic ...


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