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Jazz Articles about Steve Swell

Album Review

Steve Swell: Steve Swell's Slammin' The Infinite

Read "Steve Swell's Slammin' The Infinite" reviewed by Raul d'Gama Rose

Using something that Walt Whitman said about prolific writing, trombonist Steve Swell posits that the more he creates--the more he writes and therefore performs--the more likely he is to produce something worthwhile. Although he does not mention it, this also suggests pushing the boundaries and being nonjudgmental about any of his work until he arrives at something of substantive value. What this might be is impossible to predict, until it is actually created and performed, and the response to it ...


Steve Swell: Sound Miracles

Read "Steve Swell: Sound Miracles" reviewed by Gordon Marshall

Trombonist Steve Swell captures the energy of a big band in the close quarters of a small group. An alumnus of Buddy Rich's and Lionel Hampton's bands on the one hand, and collaborator with Anthony Braxton on the other, he seems bound to have fixed upon such a hybrid configuration at some point. But how an artist could exhibit such stylistic range and adaptability to begin with, and on top of that reconcile them in a career that has already ...

Album Review

Steve Swell's Slammin' The Infinite: 5000 Poems

Read "5000 Poems" reviewed by John Sharpe

There was a time when the addition of a chordal instrument such as piano to a horn-led free jazz quartet would have been viewed as a nod to the mainstream. But not the case now and especially not when the pianist in question is John Blum and the group is trombonist Steve Swell's Slammin' The Infinite. Underground legend Blum stays on board for their fourth outing after his guest appearance on Live At The Vision Festival (Not Two, 2008) and ...

Album Review

Steve Swell: Planet Dream

Read "Planet Dream" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

La costruzione di un processo creativo condiviso è sempre stata la centro dell'interesse del trombonista Steve Swell, musicista le cui notevoli qualità di improvvisatore non sempre trovano il giusto riconoscimento. Planet Dream, in trio con il sax contralto di Rob Brown e il violoncello di Daniel Levin, si muove proprio sulla condivisione delle traiettorie improvvisative, sulla creazione di un obbiettivo espressivo comune che si nutre delle identità dei singoli musicisti per aprirne il lessico all'inaspettato. In questo senso, il preciso ...

Album Review

Gebhard Ullmann: Don't Touch My Music voll.1 & 2

Read "Don't Touch My Music voll.1 & 2" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

La Not Two è una label polacca che oltre a testimoniare il meglio del jazz autoctono dedica grande attenzione alla musica creativa proveniente dal resto dell'Europa e, soprattutto, da Oltreoceano. Il catalogo che si è venuto a formare nel corso degli anni si è arricchito di testimonianze importanti con artisti quali Anthony Braxton, Satoko Fujii, Ganelin Trio, Mattew Shipp e Ken Vandermark Five, quest'ultimo con il fantastico 10 CD box Alchemia. E Alchemia è il nome del jazz club di ...

Multiple Reviews

Steve Swell: Magical Listening Hour & Planet Dream

Read "Steve Swell: Magical Listening Hour & Planet Dream" reviewed by Wilbur MacKenzie

Magical Listening HourLive @ Southstreet SeaportCadence Jazz Records2009 Steve SwellPlanet DreamClean Feed2009 While these two new discs from trombonist Steve Swell may exhibit elements of contrasting methodology, at the root of both projects is a somewhat utopian idealism, wherein humanity's collective process of identifying with sound leads us closer to more harmonious coexistence.

Album Review

Steve Swell's Rivers of Sound Ensemble: News from the Mystic Auricle

Read "News from the Mystic Auricle" reviewed by Jeff Stockton

Journeys. Greek religious artifacts. Oracles that send into the mystic. Trombonist Steve Swell and his Rivers of Sound Ensemble direct its stream-of- consciousness improvisations toward the deepest sea of musical inspiration it can find. Swell's Slammin' the Infinite piano-less quartet has been expanded before--on Live @ the Vision Festival (Not Two, 2007), when joined by pianist John Blum--but the band retained the essence of its swinging inside/out approach. On this date, trumpeter Roy Campbell joins the frontline ...


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