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Article: Live Review

TD Ottawa Jazz Festival 2017

Read "TD Ottawa Jazz Festival 2017" reviewed by John Kelman

TD Ottawa Jazz Festival Ottawa, Canada June 23-26, 2017 Amongst the most significant challenges that face any festival is, as the gray and no-hair crowd continues to age, finding ways to cultivate and grow a younger audience. But when you're a Canadian festival, another major challenge is a simple fiscal fact: most ...


Article: Album Review

Jason Anick & Jason Yeager: United

Read "United" reviewed by Mark Sullivan

Violinist Jason Anick and pianist Jason Yeager share an open-minded approach to jazz. Anick is best known as a member of the neo-Gypsy Jazz ensemble Rhythm Future Quartet , while Yeager performs post-bop and third stream music. But this album presents a mostly original, eclectic collection of music where both of them frequently step out of ...


Article: Book Review

Man Of The Light: The Life And Work Of Zbigniew Seifert

Read "Man Of The Light: The Life And Work Of Zbigniew Seifert" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Man Of The Light: The Life And Work Of Zbigniew Seifert Aneta Norek-Skrycka 172 Pages ISBN: 978-83-938054-2-6 The Zbigniew Seifert Foundation 2016 A number of European jazz musicians stand out for having shaped the sound of the music in the past fifty years, for their virtuosity and for having ...


Article: Live Review

Zbigniew Seifert Jazz Violin Competition 2016

Read "Zbigniew Seifert Jazz Violin Competition 2016" reviewed by Martin Longley

The 2nd International Zbigniew Seifert Jazz Violin Competition The Krzysztof Penderecki European Centre For Music, Luslawice Manngha Museum Of Japanese Arts & Technology Kraków, Poland August 24-27, 2016 The violinist Zbigniew Seifert was one of Poland's best-known jazz players, who died tragically early, a victim of ...


Article: Interview

Tomoko Omura: Roots And Branches

Read "Tomoko Omura: Roots And Branches" reviewed by Ian Patterson

It's been a good year for New York-based, Japanese violinist/composer Tomoko Omura, whose second CD as leader, Roots (Inner Circle Music), has earned high praise from critics and peers alike. The roots of the title refer to Omura's heritage as she reimagines popular Japanese tunes through the prism of jazz. The ten tracks draw inspiration from ...


Article: Album Review

Maciej Fortuna Acoustic Quartet: Jazz From Poland Vol. 1

Read "Jazz From Poland Vol. 1" reviewed by Karl Ackermann

Polish composer and trumpeter Maciej Fortuna--a law school graduate and a PhD of performing arts--distributes his time as a session musician, multiple group leader and lecturer at The Academy of Music in Poznan, Poland. Fortuna has been exploring the frontiers of jazz for some time with successful efforts in electronica, free improvisation, ethnic derivatives and acoustic ...


News: Event

1st International Jarek Smietana Jazz Guitar Competition - Closing Date For Applications 15 April

1st  International Jarek Smietana Jazz Guitar Competition - Closing Date For Applications 15 April

My Polish Heart Foundation is proud to announce the inaugural International Jarek Śmietana Jazz Guitar Competition, which will be held in jny:Cracow from 1-4 July, 2015. The International Jarek Śmietana Jazz Guitar Competition is in honor of Jarek Śmietana, one of the most significant figures in Polish jazz for over four decades, who passed away on ...


Article: Album Review

Lukasz Gorewicz: The String of Horizons

Read "The String of Horizons" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Active in both classical and contemporary music, Polish violinist/composer Łukasz Górewicz is perhaps best known abroad for Ecstasy Project, the unique experimental chamber/avant-garde jazz ensemble formed in 1999; its albums such as Realium (Polish Jazz, 2005) and Reminiscence Europae (Fonografica, 2008) underlined Górewicz' credentials as one of the most arresting violinists of his generation, regardless of ...


Article: Live Review

Zbigniew Seifert International Jazz Violin Competition

Read "Zbigniew Seifert International Jazz Violin Competition" reviewed by Ian Patterson

1st Zbigniew Seifert International Jazz Violin Competition Krzysztof Penderecki European Centre for Music Luslawice/Krakow Poland July 16-19, 2014 He was one of the great jazz virtuosos, right up there some would say with Django Reinhardt, Art Tatum and Charlie Parker. Most frequently, however, he was compared to John ...


News: Event

1st International Zbigniew Seifert Jazz Violin Competition Won By Bartosz Dworak

1st International Zbigniew Seifert Jazz Violin Competition Won By Bartosz Dworak

The 1st Zbigniew Seifert International Jazz Violin Competition was won by twenty six year old Polish violinist Bartosz Dworak. The competition was conceived of and organized by the Zbigniew Seifert Foundation in order to honor the memory and promote the musical legacy of the great Polish jazz violinist Zbigniew Seifert, who died in 1979 from cancer ...


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