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Article: Album Review

Tuck and Patti: Paradise Found

Read "Paradise Found" reviewed by Dave Hughes

Tuck and Patti, guitar and vocal duo as well as husband and wife, offer up another helping of positive, optimistic musical brilliance on Paradise Found. I think they found paradise about twenty years ago, when they first began performing together. They both possess considerable chops, always utilized in exquisite taste and in perfect tandem. ...


Article: Album Review

Taj Mahal and the Hula Blues Band: Sacred Island

Read "Sacred Island" reviewed by Ed Kopp

Former resident of the Hawaiian island of Kauai, Taj Majal is one of the most versatile bluesmen around, having tackled country blues, R&B, jazz, gospel, reggae and more on his 37 albums. On Sacred Island, Taj teams up with some veteran Hawaiian musicians to blend blues, traditional Hawaiian music and reggae. This is a fine eclectic ...


Windham Hill Sampler

Label: Windham Hill Records
Released: 1998


Lost Tribe

Label: Windham Hill Records
Released: 1993



Label: Windham Hill Records
Released: 1991


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