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News: TV / Film

Monterey Jazz Festival 2016 Brings The Late Thomas Chapin Full Circle

Monterey Jazz Festival 2016 Brings The Late Thomas Chapin Full Circle

The significance of performing at the Monterey Jazz Festival can not be understated. The longest-running jazz festival in the world features the best of jazz through performance and education. It hosts unparalleled world talent and legends and stands as a legacy to this musical genre, and impacts future generations of jazz musicians and afficionados alike. It ...


Article: Multiple Reviews

Something old, something new, something reissued, something Brötzmann blew.

Read "Something old, something new, something reissued, something Brötzmann blew." reviewed by Mark Corroto

Can the entire history of a musical genre be encoded in one man's DNA? If that is possible, then reading the DeoxyriboNucleic Acid molecules in saxophonist Peter Brötzmann's body would yield all the information a musical scientist studying the development of free jazz would require. Since the 1960s, he has been in the center of the ...


Article: Film Review

Stephanie Castillo: Thomas Chapin - Night Bird Song

Read "Stephanie Castillo: Thomas Chapin - Night Bird Song" reviewed by Stefano Merighi

Stephanie CastilloNight Bird Song [DVD] * * * * Come abbiamo fatto a dimenticarci di Thomas Chapin? Questa è la domanda--tra le molte altre -che gran parte della comunità jazzistica dovrebbe porsi di fronte all'imponente lavoro documentario “Night Bird Song," che Stephanie Castillo ha realizzato in onore del polistrumentista e compositore ...


Article: Album Review

Stefano Leonardi, Stefano Pastor, Fridolin Blumer, Heinz Geisser: Conversations about Thomas Chapin

Read "Conversations about Thomas Chapin" reviewed by Giuseppe Segala

Il dato che più risalta all'ascolto di questo CD è la densità: densità espressiva, di ispirazione, timbrica, dialogica, comunicativa. Una densità in parte diversa da quella che caratterizza la musica di Thomas Chapin, lo straordinario artista al quale questo lavoro è rivolto con grande affetto e adesione emotiva. La densità di Chapin è estroversa, travolgente, legata ...


Article: Album Review

Thomas Chapin: Never Let Me Go

Read "Never Let Me Go" reviewed by Giuseppe Segala

L'ascolto di questo cofanetto fa rinascere aspra l'amarezza per la scomparsa prematura, nel 1998 a soli quarant'anni, di Thomas Chapin. Una raccolta che contrasta l'oblio e aggiunge qualche motivo di stupore e riflessione all'esperienza di chi ha apprezzato la fulminea, ricchissima eppure troppo breve vicenda artistica di quel grande musicista, straripante di vitalità e umanità.

Article: Album Review

William Hooker, Thomas Chapin: Crossing Points

Read "Crossing Points" reviewed by Enrico Bettinello

L'aggiornato e appassionato blog Free Jazz dedica a questo disco una recensione di pochissime righe, quasi una lista di tags che forse meglio di ogni ragionamento riesce a dare le coordinate della musica del duo tra il batterista William Hooker e il sassofonista Thomas Chapin. Certo, a elencare qualità [a volte anche apparentemente ...


News: TV / Film

Musicians, Music Fans -- Join Us At A Free Screening Of The New Thomas Chapin Film

Musicians, Music Fans -- Join Us At A Free Screening Of The New Thomas Chapin Film

A First Look at THOMAS CHAPIN, NIGHT BIRD SONG A New Music Film ABOUT THE FREE SCREENING New York FREE Screening, SVA Theatre, on Sunday, March 13- 333 West 23 Street, NY, NY 10010. Doors open at 1 p.m.; the film begins 1:30 p.m. RSVPs required here THE FILM Destined to be among the great virtuosos ...


News: Recording

"Cheerin' Up The Universe," New CD By Trumpeter/Vocalist Bob Merrill, Due For Sept. 4 Release By Accurate Records

"Cheerin' Up The Universe," New CD By Trumpeter/Vocalist Bob Merrill, Due For Sept. 4 Release By Accurate Records

Trumpeter/vocalist Bob Merrill has had an amazingly varied career in and around music—mentored by his late father-in-law Joe Bushkin, Jaki Byard, and Red Rodney; starting and operating Hip Pocket Recording Studios in jny: New York City; and recording as a leader himself. Cheerin’ Up the Universe, his new CD and fourth to date, is being released ...


News: Event

Sneak Peek For Thomas Chapin Film At Litchfield Jazz Fest

Sneak Peek For Thomas Chapin Film At Litchfield Jazz Fest

Join the Litchfield Jazz Festival's tribute to Thomas Chapin, tomorrow and Saturday at the Goshen Fairgrounds, in Goshen, Conn. for a musical concert featuring Chapin's music and a sneak peak of a new jazz film about him. Tomorrow evening August 7, the Litchfield Jazz Orchestra will salute Thomas Chapin as part of the festival's gala opening ...


Article: Album Review

Mario Pavone: Blue Dialect

Read "Blue Dialect" reviewed by Mark Corroto

Gone are the days where a jazz trio maintains a three month residency, playing nightly in a club. Nor are there world traveling units that refine their skills nightly on the road, working and reworking material. There will be no more piano trios led by the likes of Thelonious Monk and Bill Evans. But have no ...


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