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Article: Year in Review

Dan McClenaghan's Best Jazz Recordings of 2021

Read "Dan McClenaghan's Best Jazz Recordings of 2021" reviewed by Dan McClenaghan

The top jazz recordings of 2021, in the order in which they were encountered... Aki Takase / Christian Weber / Michael Griener Auge Intakt Records The ever mercurial Japanese-born, Berlin-based pianist Aki Takase presents her take on the piano trio. Teaming with bassist Christian Weber and drummer Michael Griener, she ...


Article: Album Review

Futari: Underground

Read "Underground" reviewed by Dan McClenaghan

Pianist Satoko Fujii found another perfect musical partner in 2017, in the Berlin-based mallet maven Taiko Saito, resulting, eventually, in their duo outing Beyond (Libra Records, 2021). The pair dubbed themselves “Futari" ('two people' in Japanese). Underground surfaces as their second 2021 release ("prolific" is a word usually included in a description of Fujii's output).


Song of the Day


Label: Libra Records
Released: 2021
Duration: 4:55


Article: Album Review

Berlin Mallet Group: Sogni D’oro

Read "Sogni D’oro" reviewed by John Eyles

Berlin Mallet Group is a new ensemble in which all five members play vibraphone and/or marimba, making it a unique group, the only improvising mallet ensemble of its kind. Two members of the quintet are key, David Friedman and Taiko Saito who together produced Sogni D'oro (Italian for “Sweet Dreams"). Considered an influential vibraphonist in the ...


Article: Album Review

Satoko Fujii / Taiko Saito: Beyond

Read "Beyond" reviewed by John Sharpe

Right from the off, the confluence of grainy flicker and humming drone signals that Beyond won't be like other vibraphone/piano hook ups. Under the moniker Futari, Japanese pianist Satoko Fujii and her Berlin-based countrywoman vibraphonist Taiko Saito don't so much take the road less traveled as revel in the thickets, brambles and unexpected clearings discovered when ...


Song of the Day


Label: Libra Records
Released: 2021
Duration: 5:46


Article: Album Review

Futari (Satoko Fujii / Taiko Saito): Beyond

Read "Beyond" reviewed by Dan McClenaghan

Satoko Fujii has found a new sound. The prolific and always adventurous pianist-composer teams with vibraphonist Taiko Saito--tagging their duo Futari--for a beautifully surreal journey called Beyond. “Futari" means 'two people" in Japanese. The two people involved connected in the early 2000s, in Berlin, when Saito was a student at the Berlin University of ...

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Taiko Saito


Article: Album Review

Kokotob: Flying Heart

Read "Flying Heart" reviewed by Troy Dostert

Back in 2006, vibraphonist Taiko Saito teamed up with pianist Niko Meinhold for a duet album entitled Koko (Pirouet), on which they forged a synthesis of classical and improvised jazz music. Here they've added another member, clarinetist Tobias Schirmer, and the trio (now dubbed Kokotob) has produced a deeply pensive, compelling album that relies as heavily ...


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