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Article: Live Review

Punkt Festival 2016

Read "Punkt Festival 2016" reviewed by Henning Bolte

Punkt Festival Kristiansand, Norway September, 3-5, 2016 Punkt Festival in Kristiansand, Southern Norway, is a small, informal festival of internationally high artistic reputation and esteem. It takes place during the first week of September. Founded in 2005 its 12th edition as usual presented a wide range of musical performances and ...


Article: Live Review

Festival International de Jazz de Montreal 2016

Read "Festival International de Jazz de Montreal 2016" reviewed by John Kelman

Festival International de Jazz de Montréal Montréal, Canada July 3-7, 2016 In many ways, the front of one of the festival's new T-Shirt designs said it all: swing blues soul improvisation latin gospel R 'n' B crossroads silence groove world ...


Article: Live Review

Nutshell e Nattjazz 2016

Read "Nutshell e Nattjazz 2016" reviewed by Luca Vitali

Visitare Bergen in maggio è sempre un terno al lotto: il clima, spesso piovoso, condiziona l'umore, ma quando è il sole ad accoglierti, l'incanto è assicurato. È da qualche anno che mancavo da Bergen e non facevo visita all'USF (United Sardine Factory), antica fabbrica di sardine convertita in tempio della cultura di quella città, e come ...


Article: Live Review

Vossa Jazz 2016

Read "Vossa Jazz 2016" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Vossa Jazz Various venues jny:Voss, Norway March 18-20, 2016 Perched high on the mountain side, the weather-beaten wooden farm houses of the Voss folk museum command a truly impressive view of the town below, ringed by snow-capped mountains, interlocking valleys and ice-covered fjords that stretch to the four points ...


Article: Extended Analysis

Time Is A Blind Guide

Read "Time Is A Blind Guide" reviewed by John Kelman

Over the past couple of decades, Thomas Strønen has become, perhaps, best-known for his unfettered improvisational forays in electro-centric contexts: sometimes freewheeling and frenetic, as in Humcrush, the drummer/percussionist/electronics wizard's hardcore duo with his similarly inclined Norwegian partner, keyboardist Ståle Storløkken (and occasional guest, singer Sidsel Endresen); other times more spaciously ambient in the atmospheric Anglo/Norwegian ...


Article: Album Review

Mette Henriette Martedatter Rølvåg: Mette Henriette

Read "Mette Henriette" reviewed by Karl Ackermann

In her debut recording with the large Norwegian ensemble Torg on Kost/Elak/Gnäll (Jazzland Recordings, 2015), the playing of saxophonist Mette Henriette Martedatter Rølvåg may well have been lost in the pack. That Bugge Wesseltoft produced album was an unrestrained mashup of genres, styles and techniques in an octet that didn't easily lend itself to individual performance ...

Article: Live Review

50° Jazzaldia

Read "50° Jazzaldia" reviewed by Luca Vitali

"Oltre 124.000 spettatori e più di cento spettacoli in programma a fronte di un eccellente livello artistico," sottolinea il comunicato stampa di chiusura di questa cinquantesima edizione di Jazzaldia -Heineken Jazz Festival. Come dargli torto. Uno dei grandi festival europei mantiene caratteristiche da festival “municipale," sempre attento al grande pubblico ma al tempo ...


Article: Extended Analysis

Manu Katche: Touchstone for Manu

Read "Manu Katche: Touchstone for Manu" reviewed by John Kelman

With only four records released as a leader on ECM, it may seem a little early to release a “best of" disc for drummer Manu Katché. But having since moved on to fellow German label ACT for Live in Concert, while Touchstone for Manu is only being released in North America in the summer of 2015, ...


Article: Extended Analysis

Bugge Wesseltoft: Bugge and Friends

Read "Bugge Wesseltoft: Bugge and Friends" reviewed by Phil Barnes

Back in the late 1990s Bugge Wesseltoft was best known as a leading light in the jazz house scene that sought to integrate jazz into the electronic music of the day. His primary outlet at the time was his New Conception of Jazz project that culminated in the wonderful 2001 collection Moving and which represented a ...

Article: Live Review

AngelicA Festival: 25 anni

Read "AngelicA Festival: 25 anni" reviewed by Libero Farnè

Centro di ricerca musicale Bologna 02-31.05.2015 John Oswald coadiuvato da Domenico Caliri, Chris Cutler & Co. Gianni Gebbia e Carl Stone, Sidsel Endresen con Stian Westerhus: pillole, ma tonificanti, di un festival durato un mese e votato a «presentare musica in continuo movimento senza adagiarsi sulle “novità" o sul “consolidato," ...


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