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Say She She

The female-led soulful 8 piece, named as a silent nod to Nile Rodgers’ Chic*, will transport you with their classic girl group style 3 part harmonies and up tempo grooves [ *Say She She is a word play on the French C’est chi-chic i.e. Its chic!] The band’s sound pays homage to the girl groups of the late 70's and early 80’s with an injection of 90's RNB, and the occasional Bollywood discodelic riff. The three strong female lead voices of Piya, Sabrina and Nya soar and glide throughout the groove oriented sets, bursting into a seamless blend of dreamy harmonies and catchy hooks. Think Minnie Riperton meets The Supremes with a sprinkling of Asha Puthli. All this doused heavily in the rhythmic wah guitar, melodic synths, bansuri flute lines and badass horn section.


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