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Article: Live Review

Cape May Spring Jazz Festival

Read "Cape May Spring  Jazz Festival" reviewed by Sandy Ingham

It was fitting, if probably unintentional, that the 21st edition of the Cape May Jazz Festival April 16-18 was billed “Exceptional Pianists." 2004 is, after all, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Count Basie, the Kid from Red Bank, N.J., whose considerable talents as a pianist were overshadowed by his role as leader of one ...


Article: Live Review

Paco de Lucia at NJPAC, Newark, N.J, February 28, 2004

Read "Paco de Lucia at NJPAC, Newark, N.J, February 28, 2004" reviewed by Sandy Ingham

I was in awe. Paco de Lucia sat cross-legged, center stage, minimally illuminated, playing flamenco jazz that took my breath away with its virtuosity. How could this one guitarist be producing this many notes, I wondered, as I listened to the rich, soulful music that sprang from the south of Spain centuries ago. Flanking him were ...


Article: Live Review

Satchmo Summerfest

Read "Satchmo Summerfest
" reviewed by Sandy Ingham

Louis Armstrong was above all else an entertainer, a beloved figure ever since the early 1920s when the nation's ears first perked up to the sound of the jazz he was helping invent.From jazz pioneer to big band leader, movie and TV star, to his “Ambassador Satch" years fronting the All-Stars on tours around the ...


Article: Live Review

Chicago Jazz Festival 2002

Read "Chicago Jazz Festival 2002
" reviewed by Sandy Ingham

From the sublime singer/pianist Patricia Barber, Bill Holman and Jimmy Heath fronting a pair of big bands, third-generation Cuban pianist Chuchito Valdes, Ray Anderson's mirthful Pocket Brass band to the ridiculous a big band from Vancouver, BC., playing avant-garde compositions that veered wildly between real jazz and random noise there was something for all tastes at ...


Article: Live Review

Cape May Jazz Fest Honors Dizzy Gillespie

Read "Cape May Jazz Fest Honors Dizzy Gillespie 
" reviewed by Sandy Ingham

Cape May Jazz Fest Honors Dizzy Gillespie Cape May Jazz Festival Cape May, NJ Nov. 8-10, 2002 It was a scene right out of many a Big Easy bash: Four singers up on the elevated stage shouting out the lyrics to “The Saints," with most of the hundreds ...


Article: Live Review

Cape May (New Jersey) Jazz Festival

Read "Cape May (New Jersey) Jazz Festival 
" reviewed by Sandy Ingham

A Tribute to the Music of Miles Davis April 19-21, 2002 He always preached looking ahead, not back, and Miles Davis practiced that approach to his musical life, constantly evolving, from bebop pioneer to cool-school founder to modal to genre blender to fusion and beyond, seldom revisiting the many milestones of his ...


Article: Live Review

New Orleans Jazz And Heritage Fest

Read "New Orleans Jazz And Heritage Fest
" reviewed by Sandy Ingham

Jazzfest XXXIII is now in the books down in New Orleans. For me, it was number XV, so I've been there, done that, and can't wait to do it all again. Anyone who doesn't have a ball at this annual celebration of the music, the food and the people of this joyful city needs to check ...


Article: Live Review

Chicago Blues Festival 2002

Read "Chicago Blues Festival 2002
" reviewed by Sandy Ingham

The future of the blues is in good hands, aficionados say, pointing to some of the young performers who won featured spots at the world's biggest free blues festival in Chicago May 30-June 2.Granted, Shemekia Copeland, the Saturday night headliner, is an enormous talent, with a booming yet sweet-toned voice, a winning onstage manner, and ...


Article: Live Review

IAJE 2004: A Mammoth Undertaking

Read "IAJE 2004: A Mammoth Undertaking" reviewed by Sandy Ingham

Trying to report on the International Association for Jazz Education's annual convention reminds me of the fable about the three blind men who struggled to describe an elephant after each one felt a different extremity. Yes, the IAJE is a mammoth undertaking, and the 2004 edition Jan. 21-24 in New York City was the biggest yet: ...


Article: Live Review

Cape May, New Jersey Fall Jazz Festival 2003

Read "Cape May, New Jersey Fall Jazz Festival 2003" reviewed by Sandy Ingham

A recordbreaking, record-making Cape May Jazz Festival took place November 7-9, 2003. The twice-a-year event was launched in this picturesque Victorian town at New Jersey's southernmost point in April 1994, making this the 10th anniversary and the 20th festival. Attendance keeps going up - a record 8,300 tickets were sold for this one, bringing the cumulative ...


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