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Article: My Playlist

Hermon Mehari: gli album che sto ascoltando

Read "Hermon Mehari: gli album che sto ascoltando" reviewed by Vincenzo Roggero

1. Logan Richardson, Afrofuturism, (Whirlwind Recordings, 2021). Forse il musicista che mi ha ispirato di più ha da poco pubblicato un disco eclettico. Mi piace il fatto che non abbia paura di abbracciare i suoni moderni e si senta libero di esprimersi come vuole. 2. Charles Mingus, Mingus Ah Um, (Columbia Records, ...


Article: My Playlist

The Ultimate Peggy Lee

Read "The Ultimate Peggy Lee" reviewed by Tish Oney

In honor of the 100th birthday of Peggy Lee (which we celebrated May 26, kicking off an entire year of Peggy Lee celebrations around the world), I have been enjoying listening to this timeless artist in a number of ways. Writing my new book, Peggy Lee: A Century of Song, opened my eyes to the treasure ...


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