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Article: Extended Analysis

Marko Churnchetz: Devotion

Read "Marko Churnchetz: Devotion" reviewed by Phil Barnes

Recorded in Brooklyn in April 2012 this excellent modern Quartet session led by Slovenian born pianist and composer Marko Churnchetz (native spelling is Črnčec) only recently saw the light of day in July 2014 courtesy of London's enlightened Whirlwind label. The delay is all the more inexplicable given the prominent contributions of hot saxophonist Mark Shim, ...


Article: Album Review

Steve Lehman Octet: Mise en Abîme

Read "Mise en Abîme" reviewed by Martin Longley

It's been five years since Steve Lehman's last Octet album, so we're now voracious for more expanded material. Right at the start, his alto saxophone is briefly alone, and then the entire ensemble weighs in, earthy yet finely controlled. Chris Dingman's customised vibraphone is absolutely central to the sound of these Lehman originals, most of which ...


Article: Live Review

Ljubljana Jazz Festival 2014

Read "Ljubljana Jazz Festival 2014" reviewed by Henning Bolte

2014 Ljubljana Jazz Festival 2014 Ljubljana, Slovenia July 2-5, 2014 Ljubljana--capital of the Republic of Slovenia, member of EU, neighbored by Austria, Hungary, Croatia and Italy--hosts the oldest jazz festival in Europe, which held its 55th edition this year. The event is usually organized by Cankarjev House--Cankarjev Dom, in Slovenian--a prestigious, state-run ...


Article: Album Review

Steve Lehman: Mise en Abîme

Read "Mise en Abîme" reviewed by Karl Ackermann

Composer/saxophonist Steve Lehman's credentials are as unique as his music. A Fulbright scholar with a PhD in composition, his on the job training has been at the hands of a diverse group of teachers including saxophone legends Jackie McLean and Anthony Braxton. A New York native, Lehman garnered widespread praise with the groundbreaking Travail, Transformation and ...


Article: Live Review

Nathan Hook's Mobiustrip at Somethin' Jazz Club

Read "Nathan Hook's Mobiustrip at Somethin' Jazz Club" reviewed by Daniel Lehner

Nathan Hook's Mobiustrip Somethin' Jazz Club New York, NY Tenor saxophonist Nathan Hook's Mobiustrip opened their set at Somethin Jazz Club in Midtown East, NYC with a tune called “You Probably Thought This Would Be Fun," and it was appropriate. This is not to say that Hook's music was unenjoyable or ...


Article: Interview

David Fiuczynski: In the In Between

Read "David Fiuczynski: In the In Between" reviewed by Daniel Lehner

The most recent compositional premiere by guitarist David Fiucyznski has a title that almost manages to sum up his entire sphere of influence. “Flam! Pan-Asian Microjam for J Dilla and Olivier Messiaen" premiered at Berklee College of Music in 2012 and was inspired by a geographically and temporally enormous range of styles. Fiuczynski describes the piece ...


Article: Album Review

Luis Perdomo: The Infancia Project

Read "The Infancia Project" reviewed by Mark F. Turner

Pianist Luis Perdomo's presence is marked by attributes that include lyricism, depth and adaptability. The onetime member of saxophonist Ravi Coltrane's quartet has worked on many releases for artists like trombonist Steve Turre and saxophonist Miguel Zenón. His visibility is coming more into focus with The Infancia Project, which the New York-based pianist avoided making for ...


Article: Album Review

Carlo De Rosa's Cross-Fade: Brain Dance

Read "Brain Dance" reviewed by Raul d'Gama Rose

The energy of bassist Carlo De Rosa's Brain Dance is palpable. Musically, it is a close equivalent of an elastic band held extremely taut and then twanged continuously until the kinetic energy continues to do what the fingers once did. However, De Rosa's fingers continue to do what invisible fingers once did to the music as ...


Brain Dance

Label: Cuneiform Records
Released: 2011
Track listing: 1. Circular Woes - 7:09; 2. For Otto - 7:14; 3. Maja - 6:19; 4. Headbanger's Bawl - 7:11; 5. Brain Dance - 2:37; 6. Terrane/A Phrase - 13:22 ; 7. Route 17 - 7:26. Tutti i brani sono di Carlo De Rosa.

Article: Album Review

Carlo De Rosa's Cross-Fade: Brain Dance

Read "Brain Dance" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

Il bassista Carlo De Rosa non è granchè noto da noi, ma a New York gode di un certo credito tra la comunità musicale. Come ambasciatore del jazz americano ha girato il mondo e si è costruito un'esperienza notevole che gli permette di maneggiare diversi stilemi della musica d'oggi. Il suo è un caso emblematico di ...


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