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Article: Album Review

Joe Harriott: Free Form & Abstract Revisited

Read "Free Form & Abstract Revisited" reviewed by Mark Corroto

Call it partisanship or maybe musical chauvinism, but North American audiences have traditionally had little appreciation for jazz musicians from the United Kingdom or, for that matter, Europe. Rewind back to 1961, and explain why Americans were not hip to the Joe Harriott Quintet? His two releases, Free Form, released in 1961, and Abstract, in 1963, ...

News: Birthday

Jazz Musician of the Day: Ken Vandermark

Jazz Musician of the Day: Ken Vandermark

All About Jazz is celebrating Ken Vandermark's birthday today! For the past 20 years, Ken Vandermark has been exploring and working to expand the possibilities of improvised and composed music in North America and Europe. Since moving to Chicago from Boston in 1989, he's performed and recorded in a variety of contexts, and with many internationally ...


Article: Album Review

Dieb13 & Marina Džukljev: Štrudel

Read "Štrudel" reviewed by Mark Corroto

Maybe the most appropriate words for the duet between Dieb13 and Marina Džukljev come from Talking Head's song “This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody)," David Byrne sings “The less we say about it the better / Make it up as we go along / Feet on the ground, head in the sky / It's okay, ...


Article: Album Review

Rodrigo Amado This Is Our Language Quartet: Let The Free Be Men

Read "Let The Free Be Men" reviewed by Mark Corroto

If you are not hip to Portuguese saxophonist Rodrigo Amado, where, as they say, have you been? He has garnered acclaim for many years now, with his own Motion Trio, Lisbon Improvised Players, The Wire Quartet, Luís Lopes' Humanization 4tet, and in duos with Chris Corsano and trios with Kent Kessler and Paal Nilssen-Love. If, though, ...


Article: Live Review

Holding Hands & Article XI At The Norfolk & Norwich Festival

Read "Holding Hands & Article XI At The Norfolk & Norwich Festival" reviewed by John Sharpe

Holding Hands & Article XI The Garage Norfolk & Norwich Festival Norwich, UK May 25, 2021 With the UK slowly reopening as the vaccination program diminishes the reach of Covid 19, live performance once more becomes a possibility. Major kudos to the Norfolk & Norwich Festival team for pressing ...


Article: Radio & Podcasts

Ground Breaking Sounds - Old and New

Read "Ground Breaking Sounds - Old and New" reviewed by Bob Osborne

Throughout the history of jazz innovation has been a key element of the development of the music. At key points in jazz history major changes in style, form and content have moved the music forward. Those changes have been picked up by other musicians and developed, interpreted, and enhanced leading to further change. This show is ...


Article: Album Review

Elisabeth Harnik / Michael Zerang: Dream Disobedience

Read "Dream Disobedience" reviewed by John Sharpe

On Dream Disobedience American drummer Michael Zerang and Austrian pianist Elisabeth Harnik head way out left field, treating their instruments as noise generators in a duet captured live at the Sound Disobedience Festival, in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana, in March 2019. Zerang may be best known as a member of Peter Brötzmann's Chicago ...


Article: Album Review

Fred Frith & Ikue Mori: A Mountain Doesn’t Know It’s Tall

Read "A Mountain Doesn’t Know It’s Tall" reviewed by Mark Corroto

Have you experienced a performance of John Cage's composition “4:33"? If you are not familiar, while studying Zen Buddhism, Cage wrote “four minutes, thirty-three seconds" to be performed solo or in any combination of instruments or players. The instructions were for the performers to NOT play their instruments for the allotted 273 seconds. Their 'silence' was ...


Article: Interview

Meet BlueStem Jazz's Dave Stone & Thomas Ferrella

Read "Meet BlueStem Jazz's Dave Stone & Thomas Ferrella" reviewed by Hrayr Attarian

Since 2016, and even through the pandemic of 2020, jny: Madison Wisconsin has hosted a steady stream of improvisational music concerts. The majority of these are thanks to the organization named after Wisconsin's native grass, BlueStem Jazz. Founded by two retired professionals and melophiles this non-profit, award-winning establishment is dedicated to promoting and hosting a wide ...


Article: Radio & Podcasts

The Music Of Klaus Kugel

Read "The Music Of Klaus Kugel" reviewed by Bob Osborne

Klaus Kugel studied at the School of Jazz in Munich. Since 1989 he has attracted attention worldwide through projects with a wide variety of artists. Over the past 30 years he has played throughout Europe, the Baltic States, Canada, USA, Syria, Japan, Mexico, Russia, China, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Israel. This selection of his music focuses on ...


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