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Article: Lyrics

I 10 CD nel CD-Player di... Keefe Jackson

Read "I 10 CD nel CD-Player di... Keefe Jackson" reviewed by Vincenzo Roggero

01. Luigi Nono--A Carlo Scarpa/A Pierre/Guai ai gelidi mostri (Edition RZ-1990). Nono è un grande esempio di come un artista ed il suo lavoro possano essere “politici" senza contraddizione tra l'essere artista e l'essere politico. Molti cambiamenti del ventesimo secolo sono profondamente ed in maniera esauriente riflessi nel suo lavoro. È sempre stimolante ascoltare ...


Article: Album Review

Keefe Jackson’s Likely So: A Round Goal

Read "A Round Goal" reviewed by Libero Farnè

Anomalo, importante, problematico questo CD che testimonia una tappa ambiziosa nella ricerca dell'emergente Keefe Jackson. Registrato nel febbraio 2013 al Jazzwerkstatt Festival di Berna, vede la collaborazione fra tre improvvisatori chicagoani (Dave Rempis e Mars Williams oltre allo stesso Jackson), tre svizzeri (Thomas K. J. Mejer, Peter A. Schmid e Marc Stucki) e il polacco Waclaw ...


Article: Album Review

Pandelis Karayorgis Quintet: Circuitous

Read "Circuitous" reviewed by Giuseppe Segala

Il pianista Pandelis Karayorgis riunisce in questo robusto quintetto alcuni campioni del jazz chicagoano: il sassofonista Dave Rempis, cresciuto ala corte di Ken Vandermark e apprezzato leader di una interessante formazione come The Percussion Quartet, il sassofonista e clarinettista Keefe Jackson e il batterista Frank Rosaly, esponenti della nuova guardia ruotante attorno al gruppo Fast Citizens, ...


A Round Goal

Label: Delmark Records
Released: 2013
Track listing: Overture; Bridge Solo-Keefe; Was Ist Kultur?; My Time is My Own;Pastorale;There is No Language Without Deceit; Hierarchy Follies; Round Goal; Bridge Solo- Dave; Neither Spin Nor Weave; Roses.


Article: Album Review

Keefe Jackson’s Likely So: A Round Goal

Read "A Round Goal" reviewed by Hrayr Attarian

Chicago based multi-instrumentalist and composer Keefe Jackson's intriguingly innovative live album A Round Goal is a modern choral symphony of sorts. Recorded during the Jazzwerkstatt festival in Berne Switzerland on February 20, 2013 Jackson utilizes, in lieu of human voices, woodwinds of various ranges creating brilliantly dramatic music. Western classical influences are apparent, throughout. ...


Article: We Travel the Spaceways

The Dude Abides

Read "The Dude Abides" reviewed by Mark Corroto

To paraphrase Jeffrey Lebowski, aka The Dude (or El Dudarino, if you are not into the brevity thing), “I've had a rough night, and I hate the fucking Grateful Dead, man." Actually, The Dude said the “Eagles" (and I guess I'm obliged to agree with him), but for me the Dead seem to always get under ...


Article: Album Review

Pandelis Karayorgis Trio: Cocoon

Read "Cocoon" reviewed by Mark Corroto

With so many projects in the works, where is one to begin in a survey of pianist Pandelis Karayorgis? The Boston-based educator (born in Athens, Greece) is a member of The Whammies (featuring Han Bennink), a sextet formed with Driff Records partner Jorrit Dijkstra to cover the music of Steve Lacy. He also maintains a Chicago ...


Article: Album Review

Frank Rosaly: Cicada Music

Read "Cicada Music" reviewed by Mark Corroto

What to expect, when you are expecting a drummer-led recording? Certainly, the mix should include the drums more upfront, or perhaps longer solos? If so, then you might be taken aback by Frank Rosaly's first official release as a band leader. The cornerstone of many innovative bands like Jason Stein Quartet, Valentine Trio, Rolldown, Scorch Trio, ...


Article: We Travel the Spaceways

Art Strike!

Read "Art Strike!" reviewed by Mark Corroto

"Would you support an art strike?" That's the question I've been asking musicians for the past few months. “Will you agree to stop writing and performing music for one year?" In 1990 the London artists Stewart Home and Mark Pawson proposed that all artists cease to “make, exhibit, distribute, sell, or discuss their work" for three ...


Article: Album Review

Fred Lonberg-Holm's Fast Citizens: Gather

Read "Gather" reviewed by Jerry D'Souza

When a band gathers some very imaginative musicians into its fold, it can only lead to one thing: an amazing listening experience. Fast Citizens has proved that over the years from the time saxophonist Keefe Jackson formed the band in 2003 and released Ready Everyday (Delmark Records, 2006), through to to Two Cities (Delmark Records, 2009), ...


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