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Article: Interview

Leonardo Pavkovic: Nothing is Ordinary

Read "Leonardo Pavkovic: Nothing is Ordinary" reviewed by Chris M. Slawecki

More than any other person, Leonardo Pavkovic has made me write some crazy shit. Pavkovic is the primal force behind the joyously eclectic MoonJune Records, which he established in 2001. “Established" may not be the right word: “I am truly an unusual and rules breaking call-it-record-company with a 'label' identity despite the fact that ...


Article: Album Review

Gleb Kolyadin: Gleb Kolyadin

Read "Gleb Kolyadin" reviewed by Geno Thackara

One sometimes doesn't know where to start in describing things under the progressive-rock umbrella, considering that the term comes with such a pile of baggage it's practically impossible to see around. The modern-day genre (to the extent that's even a recognizable thing) arguably has even more issues than the 1970s version: there are more bands out ...


Article: Year in Review

John Kelman's Best Releases of 2017

Read "John Kelman's Best Releases of 2017" reviewed by John Kelman

For those who may have noticed, there have been no best of lists coming from yours truly since 2014; sadly, the chronic health problem that has reduced my previous writing pace to a crawl continues without much respite. My best of the year lists have always been predicated upon having reviewed the releases chosen, and with ...


Article: Album Review

Steven Wilson: To the Bone

Read "To the Bone" reviewed by John Kelman

From the moment that he decided to “go solo"--despite his previous flagship group, Porcupine Tree, beginning in the late '80s as a solo project that only evolved into a group when it became popular enough to necessitate putting together a band in order to perform live--Steven Wilson has, in many ways, defied categorization and expectation, while ...


News: Recording

The Ed Palermo Big Band Releases The Great Un-American Songbook Volumes 1 & 2

The Ed Palermo Big Band Releases The Great Un-American Songbook Volumes 1 & 2

The Ed Palermo Big Band is Making America Un-Great Again with a Brilliant Blast of Anglophilia, transforming British Rock Treasures into Wildly Inventive Jazz Vehicles on the Double Album: The Great Un-American Songbook Volumes 1 & 2 (Cuneiform Records). From the Beatles, Rolling Stones and Jeff Beck to King Crimson, Traffic, and Jethro Tull, Palermo’s 18- ...


Article: Interview

Tim Bowness: Ghost Lights and Life Sentences

Read "Tim Bowness: Ghost Lights and Life Sentences" reviewed by John Kelman

As much as it's something most would prefer to avoid, when a pair of musicians share a lengthy musical history together it's difficult not to compare and contrast the work they do when apart. Beyond contributing added clarity to their individual work, it helps to articulate what each of them bring to the table when they're ...


Article: Extended Analysis

Tim Bowness: Lost in the Ghostlight

Read "Tim Bowness: Lost in the Ghostlight" reviewed by John Kelman

It's a somewhat hidden truth that a sizeable percentage of any musician's fan base believes that the music their favorite artists make is a direct reflection of their tastes. While an artist's music ought, indeed, be a reflection of what moves them, it's another truth that, more often than not, their listening habits run much farther ...


Article: Album Review

Weather Report: Heavy Weather

Read "Heavy Weather" reviewed by Sacha O'Grady

Weather Report were one of the earliest jazz fusion groups to emerge at the beginning of the '70s. They were rare in that, like Herbie Hancock's Headhunters, they didn't have a guitarist to light the fire and excite the audience as was the case with Mahavishnu Orchestra and Return to Forever; instead, they relied, in addition ...


Article: My Blue Note Obsession

Newport Jazz Festival 1959

Read "Newport Jazz Festival 1959" reviewed by Marc Davis

The collector asks: When is it OK to say, “I have enough, thanks. I don't need the live version, too." Consider the dilemma of Wolfgang's Vault, a musical treasure trove of old jazz and rock performances. If you've never been there, go now. The site is stunning. It is an enormous collection of long-lost ...


Article: Profile

Claude Nobs: We All Came Out To Montreux...

Read "Claude Nobs: We All Came Out To Montreux..." reviewed by Ian Patterson

Montreux Jazz Festival is fifty. It's a significant milestone and cause for celebration. No doubt there will be an added festive element to this year's edition of the festival, founded by Claude Nobs--along with pianist Géo Voumard and writer René Langel--in 1967. Yet for many, the celebrations will be tinged with sadness due to the absence ...


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