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Label: Jazzline Records
Released: 1999


Article: Album Review

Charlie Mariano: Savannah Samurai

Read "Savannah Samurai" reviewed by Glenn Astarita

75 years young and blowing with the conviction and intensity of a hot to trot saxophonist straight out of music school, the venerable Charlie Mariano returns in glowing fashion. Revered for his versatility and willingness to explore besides being an influential stylist, Mariano along with guitarist Vic Juris, bassist Dieter Ilg and drummer Jeff Hirshfield bridge ...


Article: Album Review

Peter Herborn: Large

Read "Large" reviewed by Glenn Astarita

The proceedings commence with Herborn’s composition, titled “The Blizzard” featuring the forceful and dynamic tenor sax work of Gary Thomas. Here, Thomas does an effective job of mirroring the often bouncy yet charging nature of the rhythms in concert with the stalwart, brash and upfront arrangement. On, “The Blizzard”, trumpet virtuoso Dave Ballou adds some garnish ...


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