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News: Award / Grant

A Special Issue Miles Davis Award Presented to Dave Brubeck

A Special Issue Miles Davis Award Presented to Dave Brubeck

Montreal--This year, the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal presents a special issue Miles Davis Award to honour the career of one the most audacious jazz pianists of his generation, Dave Brubeck. He will be accepting the award presented to him by Alain Simard, president and founder of the Festival, during a press conference to be ...


News: Award / Grant

Don Thompson Receives the Oscar Peterson Award

Don Thompson Receives the Oscar Peterson Award

Canadian jazz icon and virtuoso of many instruments, Don Thompson will be honoured today by the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal. The OscarPeterson Award will be presented to him by Laurent Saulnier, vice president of Festival programming and production, during a press conference to be held today at 3:15 p.m. at the Salle Stevie Wonder ...


News: Award / Grant

Parc-X Trio Wins the 2010 TD Grand Jazz Award

Parc-X Trio Wins the 2010 TD Grand Jazz Award

The Galaxie Rising Star Award goes to Darren Sigesmund Montreal, Monday, July 5, 2010--The Festival International de Jazz de Montréal in collaboration with TD- our brand new major official sponsor and presenter-are today pleased to be awarding the TD Grand Jazz Award to Parc-X Trio. The group was deemed best of 7 other jazz ensembles who ...


News: Award / Grant

Richard Bona, 7th Winner of the Antonio Carlos Jobim Award

Richard Bona, 7th Winner of the Antonio Carlos Jobim Award

Montreal -- Cameroon-born Richard Bona, world renowned bassist and songwriter, will be honoured today by the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal with the Antonio Carlos Jobim Award. The prize will be presented to him by Andre Menard, artistic director and cofounder of the Festival, during a press conference to be held today at 3 p.m. ...


News: Festival

The Latest News from the Festival

31st edition of the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal The latest news from the Festival Montreal -- Organizers of the 31st edition of the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal would like to inform the public of these latest changes and new additions to the program, specifically concerning cancellations, additional performances, and sold-out concerts. Geoffrey ...


News: Festival

31 Years... and the Celebration Continues with a Record Number of Free Performances!

Montreal -- Yes, the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal, presented by TD in collaboration with Rio Tinto Alcan, celebrated its three-decade existence last year... but with this new fanfare of festivities, you might think the celebrations had never ended! Not only is this 31st edition of the Festival readier than ever to host high-profile guests, ...


News: Festival

The Festival International de Jazz de Montreal Honours Smokey Robinson, the Manhattan Transfer, Sonny Rollins, Richard Bona, Herman Leonard, Don Thompson, and Presents a Special Award to Dave Brubeck

Smokey Robinson will be the fifth artist to receive the Montreal Jazz Festival Spirit Award. Created especially on the occasion of the 27th edition of the Festival, in 2006, this special award underlines a popular artists extraordinary contribution to the musical world. His very first single accompanied by the Miracles, Got a Job, was released the ...


News: Festival

The Festival de Jazz on Tour: Jordan Officer and Stacey Kent Crisscross Quebec

Following the success enjoyed by last years jazz tour starring the John Pizzarelli Quartet and Coral Egan, the Festival International de Jazz de Montral, presented by TD in collaboration with Rio Tinto Alcan, is happy to reboot the experience for its 31st edition with another full-colour tour: the adventure begins in Montreal (March 11 & 12, ...


News: Festival

Gipsy Kings at Place Des Arts!-

The organizers of the 31st Festival International de Jazz de Montreal wish to inform festival fans that the An Evening with the Gipsy Kings concert that was originally going to be staged at the Bell Centre on Sunday, July 4, has been moved to Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier at Place des Arts, on the same date and still ...


News: Festival

The Festival is Dressed to the Nines for Its 31st!

Indoor program of the 31th edition of the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal New series, major premieres, very special events... The Festival is dressed to the nines for its 31st! Tickets go on sale this Saturday at noon Montreal, Tuesday, May 4, 2010 - Finally-it's time to unveil the full indoor program of the 31st ...


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