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Article: Live Review

Udin&Jazz 2016

Read "Udin&Jazz 2016" reviewed by Neri Pollastri

Udin&Jazz Corte Morpurgo 18-23.6.2016 Come al solito preceduta da un prologo (il quartetto di Daniele Sepe a Cervignano) e seguita da una coda (Ezio Bosso), la ventiseiesima edizione di Udin&Jazz si è tenuta nella settimana tra il 18 e il 23 giugno, inaugurata dal nuovo progetto “Eros" di Omar Sosa e Paolo ...


Article: Year in Review

2015: The Year in Jazz

Read "2015: The Year in Jazz" reviewed by Ken Franckling

The year 2015 was a curious blend of ups and downs, with glimmers of optimism offset by its losses. Venues opened to great fanfare, but others closed for a variety of reasons. UNESCO's International Jazz Day became firmly entrenched as the exclamation point on Jazz Appreciation Month activities in April. Daily arts journalism took a hit ...


Article: Interview

Eivind Aarset: The Edge Between Intimacy and Courage

Read "Eivind Aarset: The Edge Between Intimacy and Courage" reviewed by Adriana Carcu

Guitarist and composer Eivind Aarset is one of the most imaginative exponents of the spirit of open diversity that defines and differentiates the Nordic Jazz soundscape. Coming along a progressive-rock line of influence enriched by a world music heritage and refined by electronics, his music emanates the radiant energy of an unfolding white lotus flower that ...

Article: Interview

Paolo Fresu: con di Bonaventura su ECM

Read "Paolo Fresu: con di Bonaventura su ECM" reviewed by Libero Farnè

Gli americani Ralph Towner e Uri Caine, il cubano Omar Sosa, il tunisino Dhafer Youssef, gli italiani Antonello Salis, Furio Di Castri, Gavino Murgia, Gianluca Petrella, perfino l'organista classico Claudio Astronio e il danzatore Giorgio Rossi... La lista dei nomi con cui Paolo Fresu intreccia duetti con maggiore o minore frequenza (e chissà quanti ne ho ...


News: Event

UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova And UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Herbie Hancock Announce Fourth Annual International Jazz Day

UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova And UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Herbie Hancock Announce Fourth Annual International Jazz Day

PERFORMANCES & OUTREACH PROGRAMS TO TAKE PLACE WORLDWIDE ON APRIL 30, RECOGNIZING JAZZ MUSIC AS A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE OF FREEDOM International Jazz Day All-Star Global Concert in Global Host City Paris, France will be a highlight of UNESCO’s 70th Anniversary Celebration Paris and Washington, D.C. – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Director-General Irina ...


Birds Requiem

Label: Okeh
Released: 2013


Article: Album Review

Bugge Wesseltoft: OK World

Read "OK World" reviewed by John Kelman

There are artists who find their niche and then spend the rest of their careers carefully honing that one thing--often to great effect and, in some lucky cases, great success. Then there's Bugge Wesseltoft. Since emerging in the mid-'90s with his techno/house/electronica-driven New Conception of Jazz series--which didn't just establish him in his native Norway but, ...


Article: Lyrics

I 10 CD nel CD-Player di... Luca Dell'Anna

Read "I 10 CD nel CD-Player di... Luca Dell'Anna" reviewed by Vincenzo Roggero

01. Clifford Brown--Brownie: The Complete EmArcy Recordings (Verve -1989). A mio parere il punto più alto fra i giganti che stanno alla radice del jazz moderno è rappresentato da Clifford Brown. Ogni sua frase nasce già scolpita nella pietra, un'aderenza perfetta fra pensiero e azione. Ascoltando Clifford Brown mi ritorna chiara ogni volta l'importanza della ...


Article: Interview

Brad Mehldau: Dragons & Dreams

Read "Brad Mehldau: Dragons & Dreams" reviewed by Ian Patterson

For many, pianist Brad Mehldau's recording Day is Done (Nonesuch Records, 2005) with drummer Jeff Ballard and bassist Larry Grenadier came as close to trio perfection as is reasonable to expect in your wildest dreams. Perhaps perfection is a chimera, yet even if attainable it's at best fleeting by nature. But for Mehldau that doesn't stop ...


Article: Album Review

Nils Petter Molvaer: Switch

Read "Switch" reviewed by John Kelman

Sometimes when forced into change, the best thing to do is toss what came before and shoot for something completely different. With Stian Westerhus leaving trumpeter Nils Petter Molvær's trio after three years of extensive touring and the sole, spectacular document Baboon Moon (Sula, 2011), Molvær's career--defined, since emerging in the mid-'80s with the acclaimed group ...


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