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Article: Album Review

Cameron Mizell: Negative Spaces

Read "Negative Spaces" reviewed by Jerome Wilson

Cameron Mizell is not a well-known guitarist but he is a talented one. Working with just keyboards and drums on this CD he goes on an expansive excursion through the realms of jazz, progressive rock, funk and country. Just the first four tracks, which actually run together without a break, he goes through New ...


Article: Album Review

Jon Crowley: I Walk Amongst Humans

Read "I Walk Amongst Humans" reviewed by Nicholas F. Mondello

There are recordings that seem to be made for the practice of looking out a window on a rainy day. “I Walk Amongst the Humans" by trumpeter Jon Crowley accurately fits that bill. It is a recording which exhibits a poetic nature through thought-provoking originals that are a platform for fine group interplay and superb improvisations. ...

Article: Album Review

Pete Rodriguez: El Conde Negro

Read "El Conde Negro" reviewed by Angelo Leonardi

Le splendide doti di Pete Rodriguez evidenziate due anni fa nel debutto Caminando con Papi le ritroviamo in questo nuovo lavoro, registrato ancora in quintetto, dove ritroviamo il pianista Luis Perdomo e il percussionista Robert Quintero ma si aggiungono Rudy Royston alla batteria e Ricky Rodriguez al contrabbasso, rendendo jazzisticamente avvincente la dimensione ritmica. Il risultato ...



Label: Destiny Records
Released: 2015
Track listing: Interior Designs; Guru; Me, But Not Myself; Alter Ego; Prickly; Centrifuge; You're My Mystery; Individuation: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Lifecycle.


Enter to Exit

Label: Destiny Records
Released: 2015
Track listing: When You Find Out; Flakes; Stop the Sun; Deception; Halos & Horns; Gymnopedie; #1; Couldn’t Be; 9. One Another.


El Conde Negro

Label: Destiny Records
Released: 2015
Track listing: Soy La Ley; Stolen Changes; Catalina La O; Gravity; Convergencia; Ten Fe; Sombras Que Paso; Perdomo's Blues; Guaguanco De Amor; El Conde Negro.


Urban Landscape

Label: Destiny Records
Released: 2015

Article: Album Review

Kenneth Salters Haven: Enter to Exit

Read "Enter to Exit" reviewed by Luca Muchetti

Nove brani per raccontare il proprio mondo musicale, per la prima volta da titolare. Si intitola Enter to Exit il debutto di Kenneth Salters Haven, batterista originario del Connecticut ma dal 2006 stabilmente sui palchi del jazz newyorkese. Dopo una lunga palestra che ha fatto incrociare il compositore e bandleader con Don Byron, Chris Potter, Aretha ...


Article: Album Review

Manuel Valera & Groove Square: Urban Landscape

Read "Urban Landscape" reviewed by C. Michael Bailey

Cuban keyboardist and composer Manuel Valera presented last with a scorching trio set Live at Firehouse 12 (Mayo Records, 2015). Acoustic and organic, Valera demonstrated is bona fides with mainstream jazz performance. Bringing drummer E.J. Strickland from that and earlier bands, Valera moves into a new project with a new band, Groove Square. He adds the ...


Article: Album Review

Pete Rodriguez: El Conde Negro

Read "El Conde Negro" reviewed by Dan Bilawsky

Pete Rodriguez isn't a purist. He knows his salsa, as one would expect of the offspring of famed salsa vocal icon Pete “El Conde" Rodriguez, and he knows his jazz. But this trumpeter-vocalist sees no need to draw strong separation between the two. In creating El Conde Negro, Rodriguez mines Nuyorican musical veins and jazz lodes, ...


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