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reg erg

Label: Red Toucan Records
Released: 2008
Track listing: Tassili; Leprechaun; tobol; Adrar; Is it Here?; Wadi; Ger; Sonoran; Dome C; Tea Time.


Article: Album Review

Alberto Braida & Wilbert de Joode: reg erg

Read "reg erg" reviewed by Jerry D'Souza

Action and interaction are at the crossroads when pianist Alberto Braida and bassist Wilbert de Joode get together. The two are improvisers of the first caliber, always looking for the new and different while acknowledging the root that is the take-off point. Braida has long been active as an improviser, particularly in ...


Di Terra

Released: 2007
Track listing: 01. Right out of Earth; 02. What We Eat; 03. Prime cose che Vedi; 04. Iya; 05. Super Contact (This Is for Radio Canal Revelation); 06. Passi (Sedimental Traveller); 07. Djinn; 08. Sif; 09. Casa terra; 10. Reg; 11. Wake Up and Have an Appetite; 12. Future Whom.


Reg Erg

Label: Nuscope Recordings
Released: 2007


Article: Album Review

Alberto Braida - Lisle Ellis - Fabrizio Spera: Di Terra

Read "Di Terra" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

Tra le prime uscite dell’etichetta Nu Bop spicca quella che documenta le improvvisazioni del trio formato da Alberto Braida, Lisle Ellis e Fabrizio Spera, nato dopo un incontro avvenuto a Lodi nel 2003 e cementatosi nel tempo attraverso altre esperienze, sviluppate in particolare con Larry Ochs. Ed è proprio alla perizia progettuale del sassofonista americano che, ...


Di Terra

Label: Nu Bop
Released: 2006
Track listing: Right Out of Earth; What We Eat; Prime Cose Che Vedi; Iya; Super Contact (This is for Radio Canal Revelation); Passi (Sedimental Traveller); Djinn; Sif; Casa Terra; Reg; Wake Up and Have an Appetite; Future Whom.


Article: Album Review

Alberto Braida / Lisle Ellis / Fabrizio Spera: Di Terra

Read "Di Terra" reviewed by Florence Wetzel

Di Terra is an international trio composed of New York-based Canadian Lisle Ellis (bass) and Italians Alberto Braida (piano) and Fabrizio Spera (drums). Ellis, the group's senior member, has had an important role in the Canadian improvised music scene, and through the years he's played with Cecil Taylor, Paul Bley, Peter Brotzmann, and Marilyn Crispell, as ...



Label: Nuscope Recordings
Released: 2004



Label: Nuscope Recordings
Released: 2004


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