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Clear Channel Spins off into Live Nation


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Live Nation Takes Over Clear Channel's Concerts

Lawrence Lepore, executive director of the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, first heard that the sale of Clear Channel's concert division had gone through when he called the company's New England headquarters. The receptionist told him he had reached a company called Live Nation.

Lepore, whose venue booked 15 of the 19 shows it held last year through Clear Channel Entertainment, was confused. ”I thought I got the wrong number." He didn't. San Antonio-based Clear Channel Communications spun off its concert division in late December. The new company, called Live Nation, is slightly smaller, but with the same local bosses in charge.

“Everything [in Entertainment] that was Clear Channel is now Live Nation," said Don Law, the legendary Boston concert promoter who is the president of the new company's New England Division, a position he also held for Clear Channel Entertainment.

Clear Channel properties now transferred to Live Nation include the Opera House, the Tweeter Center, and Bank of America Pavilion. Live Nation's local affiliates also include Broadway in Boston, the theatrical organization that brought “The Lion King" to town and agreed to present Boston Ballet's “Nutcracker."

One issue Law cleared up immediately: He will stay with the new company. In fact, Law signed a five-year extension when Live Nation was created. He added that ticket buyers shouldn't expect much of a change with Live Nation, which will focus entirely on music, theater, and motor sports events. Clear Channel Communication's primary business is billboards and its network of radio stations.

“Things will continue very much as they have been," Law said.

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