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Jazz Articles about Mang Ayi

Liner Notes

Dewa Budjana: Surya Namaskar

Read "Dewa Budjana: Surya Namaskar" reviewed by John Kelman

There was a time when artists were able to release albums on their own schedule rather than that of the record label. While most jazz artists release, at most, one album a year these days, for some there's an even longer gap between recordings. For the most part, the days when an artist like Miles Davis was releasing two, three, sometimes even four albums in the space of a single year are long gone. There are a number of reasons ...

Album Review

Dewa Budjana (with Jimmy Johnson & Vinnie Colaiuta): Surya Namaskar

Read "Surya Namaskar" reviewed by Glenn Astarita

For his seventh solo release, Indonesian guitar master Dewa Budjana garners support from the all-universe rhythm section of Vinnie Colaiuta (drums) and Jimmy Johnson (bass). Many of these works equate to a concentrated focus on song-forms, largely comprised of tuneful themes and elevated with a guts and determination modus operandi. Budjana presents the best of both worlds within a jazz rock and jazz fusion realm, where rich melodies and a dynamic slant offer a platform that resonates loud and clear. ...

Album Review

Dewa Budjana (with Jimmy Johnson & Vinnie Colaiuta): Surya Namaskar

Read "Surya Namaskar" reviewed by Ian Patterson

Guitarist Dewa Budjana's two releases on MoonJune Records in 2013, Dawai in Paradise and Joged Kahyangan introduced a talented musician whose Indonesian roots dovetailed with prog rock, jazz fusion and a melodic pop sensibility; Budjana showed tremendous chops but, as he demonstrates once again, he's perhaps primarily a tunesmith. Budjana draws from a similar well of influences on this recording but in contrast to Joged Kahyangan's charts Surya Namaskar boasts a freer, less constructed vibe with Budjana's solos coarser in ...


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