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Jazz Articles about Don Cherry

Extended Analysis

Organic Music Society

Read "Organic Music Society" reviewed by John Eyles

By the early 1970s, trumpeter Don Cherry had moved a long way--geographically and musically--from the music that had earned him a reputation as one of free jazz's great innovators. Resident in Sweden, he had embarked on a pioneering exploration of world fusion music, incorporating a range of influences, notably African, Native-American, Indian and Middle Eastern. During this period, he still retained some links with his roots; in 1971 he was part of the ensemble that recorded Science Fiction with saxophonist ...

Album Review

Don Cherry: Copenhagen 1963 & Hilversum 1966

Read "Copenhagen 1963 & Hilversum 1966" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

Diciamo subito che quanto contenuto in questo CD risulta interamente inedito: per metà si rifà a un'esibizione dei New York Contemporary Five alla Radiohusets Koncertstal di Copenhagen il 27 ottobre 1963, per l'altra metà recupera un live di due anni e mezzo dopo (9 maggio '66) in quel di Hilversum (Paesi Bassi), protagonista il quintetto cherryano. Già questi pochi dati ci fanno capire (malgrado una presa di suono magari non immacolata) l'importanza di quest'ora di musica. Al tempo delle registrazioni ...

Album Review

Don Cherry: Hear And Now

Read "Hear And Now" reviewed by Chris May

That multi-instrumentalist and world jazz pioneer Don Cherry was able to adopt such a beatific countenance for the cover shot of Hear And Now says much for the power of yoga, given the horrors that follow. The disc has now been reissued as part of Warner Jazz's Atlantic Masters series. But non-yogis should heed this warning: if you only acquire one Don Cherry album in your life, don't acquire this one.

Recorded in December 1976, Hear And Now ...

Highly Opinionated

Don Cherry: From Out of the Shadows

Read "Don Cherry: From Out of the Shadows" reviewed by Raul d'Gama Rose

It was cool in Bombay that July in 1985, or was it 1986? Somehow the year does not seem to matter quite as much as it did when the phenomenon first occurred. The other details, of course, I remember clear as day. Association PC were tearing it up on stage at the fabled arena of the historic (for India at that time) Jazz Yatra an international jazz festival hosted by Jazz India since 1978. The Max Mueller Bhavan was responsible ...

Extended Analysis

Don Cherry: Live at Cafe Montmartre 1966 Volume Two

Read "Don Cherry: Live at Cafe Montmartre 1966 Volume Two" reviewed by Henry Smith

Don Cherry Live at Cafe Montmartre 1966 Volume Two ESP Disk 2008

Trumpeter and multi-instrumentalist Don Cherry has long been a somewhat enigmatic figure. His well known beginnings with saxophonist Ornette Coleman soon gave way to Cherry's increasing interest in world music, where he would become an important conduit between jazz and “world music" through his own multinational take on improvisatory musical forms. The second in a series of recordings culled from ...

Album Review

Don Cherry: Live at Cafe Montmartre 1966 - Vol. 2

Read "Live at Cafe Montmartre 1966 - Vol. 2" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

Il periodo a cavallo tra il 1965 il 1966 è certamente un momento tra i più significativi nella carriera di Don Cherry. Il baricentro della sua vita si è spostato prepotentemente in Europa, ma alla vigilia di Natale del 1965 è nei classici studi di Rudy van Gelder che il trombettista registra il primo capolvaoro a proprio nome, Complete Communion: c'è con lui il sassofonista argentino Gato Barbieri, ma la ritmica [da urlo!] composta da Henry Grimes e Ed Blackwell ...

Album Review

Albert Ayler - Don Cherry - John Tchicai - Roswell Rudd - Gary Peacock - Sunny Murray: New York Eye and Ear Control

Read "New York Eye and Ear Control" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

Chi non conosce questa storica registrazione effettuata a New York nel loft del poeta Paul Haines il 17 luglio 1964, non si faccia fuorviare dal primo pezzo. La trama errabonda di Don Cherry in “Don’s Dawn” prelude forse alla dimensione visionaria di questo disco ma non ne è un paradigma. La ristampa di New York Eye and Ear Control ripropone esattamente l’elle-pi originale, senza nessun intervento correttivo o nuove parti. Si tratta della colonna sonora dell’omonimo film di Michael Snow, ...


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