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News: Video / DVD

StLJN Saturday Video Showcase: The Bad Plus Joshua Redman

StLJN Saturday Video Showcase: The Bad Plus Joshua Redman

This week, our video spotlight shines on The Bad Plus Joshua Redman, the collaborative project in which the critically acclaimed trio of the first part—pianist Ethan Iverson, bassist Reid Anderson, and drummer Dave King, known collectively as The Bad Plus—joins forces with the highly esteemed saxophonist of the second part, Joshua Redman. This all-star aggregation will ...

Article: Live Review

50° Jazzaldia

Read "50° Jazzaldia" reviewed by Luca Vitali

"Oltre 124.000 spettatori e più di cento spettacoli in programma a fronte di un eccellente livello artistico," sottolinea il comunicato stampa di chiusura di questa cinquantesima edizione di Jazzaldia -Heineken Jazz Festival. Come dargli torto. Uno dei grandi festival europei mantiene caratteristiche da festival “municipale," sempre attento al grande pubblico ma al tempo ...

Article: Live Review

Umbria Jazz 15

Read "Umbria Jazz 15" reviewed by Libero Farnè

Perugia, vari luoghi 10--19 luglio Oltre 35.000 biglietti venduti con un incasso di 1.500.000 euro, 450.000 presenze in città nei giorni del festival: i numeri danno ragione dell'enorme successo di pubblico di Umbria Jazz 2015. La manifestazione, come sempre articolata in appuntamenti gratuiti nel centro storico e in concerti a pagamento, all'Arena Santa ...


News: Recording

The Bad Plus Joshua Redman Debut Album Out Now

The Bad Plus Joshua Redman Debut Album Out Now

In 2011, The Bad Plus invited saxophonist Joshua Redman to join them for a week of enthusiastically received performances at the Blue Note in jny: New York City. They then played a handful of dates before heading into the studio last year to record their debut album, The Bad Plus Joshua Redman, which is out now ...


Article: Live Review

April Jazz 2015

Read "April Jazz 2015" reviewed by Ian Patterson

April Jazz 2015 National Concert Hall jny: Dublin April 10-12, 2015 April Jazz is the latest addition to Dublin's thriving jazz/improvised music scene. The weekend festival is part of the National Concert Hall's Perspectives program, a series of monthly concerts that spans modern bluegrass and fiddle soundscapes, alt country ...


News: Event

The Bad Plus Performs The Ornette Coleman Masterpiece Science Fiction, National Concert Hall, Dublin, 12 April

The Bad Plus Performs The Ornette Coleman Masterpiece Science Fiction, National Concert Hall, Dublin, 12 April

As part of the extraordinary weekend of music that is April Jazz, The Bad Plus with very special guests will perform Ornette Coleman’s classic album Science Fiction (Columbia, 1972) in the National Concert Hall, Dublin, Sunday, 12 April, 8pm. Ornette Coleman’s 1972 album Science Fiction, “a stunningly inventive and appropriately alien-sounding blast of manic energy...it's overflowing ...

Article: Lyrics

Save the Date - Aprile 2015

Read "Save the Date - Aprile 2015" reviewed by Luca Canini

Addio inverno, addio salette umide e fredde, addio sciarpette e giacconi. Archiviato Bergamo Jazz (e archiviata dopo quattro anni la più che positiva direzione artistica di Enrico Rava), con l'affacciarsi della primavera fioccano festival e rassegne. Piazze, teatri, giardini e palchi all'aperto: da qui a settembre ci sarà solo l'imbarazzo della scelta. A noi di Save ...


Article: Live Review

Bergamo Jazz 2015

Read "Bergamo Jazz 2015" reviewed by Libero Farnè

Sotto la direzione artistica di Enrico Rava per il quarto anno consecutivo, Bergamo Jazz 2015 ha proposto un ampio ventaglio di espressioni jazzistiche, ognuna delle quali fortemente caratterizzata; quasi a ribadire la natura poliedrica di questa musica, la ragione stessa della sua sopravvivenza, vale a dire la sua tentacolare commistione di generi, approcci e forme diverse, ...


Article: Interview

Donna Lewis: Brand New Day

Read "Donna Lewis: Brand New Day" reviewed by Ben Scholz

Pop culture's love-hate relationship with its artists presents an interesting conundrum. Music created for mass-consumption must be easily digestible, yet the public is quick to retaliate against content that lacks substance. Gifted musicians are often pigeonholed into a certain style or sound that may not reflect their true range. This myopic point of view focuses on ...


News: Recording

Donna Lewis Returns With New Jazz Album, "Brand New Day"

Platinum singer-songwriter reimagines her own material and songs by David Bowie, Neil Young, Damien Rice, Gnarls Barkley, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Chocolate Genius, Burt Bacharach and Harry Nilsson. The Welsh-born singer Donna Lewis is one of those rare artists whose immense success on the pop radio charts disguises an exceptional and serious musicianship and breadth of repertoire. ...


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