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Article: Album Review

Kobie Watkins: Involved

Read "Involved" reviewed by Mark F. Turner

More recently recognized as a member of guitarist Bobby Broom's illustrious trio, Kobie Watkins has proven his savvy as a fearless drummer and now a leader on his debut Involved. Watkins is no neophyte. A native of Chicago who is also an educator, he was once dubbed in a newspaper article as “Teacher has Alter Ego ...


News: Recording

In Walked Monk: Bobby Broom on His New Album and Personal Jazz Heroes

In Walked Monk: Bobby Broom on His New Album and Personal Jazz Heroes

Bobby Broom was just a teenager when he became enamored with jazz, but even then he figured hed started too late. As the Chicago-based guitarist explains in the interview below, he realized even in 1976 that human mortality being what it is it would be years before he acquired the chops needed to play with his ...


Article: Album Review

Etienne Charles: Folklore

Read "Folklore" reviewed by Larry Reni Thomas

Trumpeter Etienne Charles' Folklore is a wonderful, colorful, vibrant recording filled with Caribbean flavor, Latin grooves and solid jazz arrangements and solos. A percussionist and composer as well, the 26-year-old Charles has an extremely unique trumpet sound that is his and his alone. He doesn't sound like Wynton Marsalis, Roy Hargrove, or Miles Davis, nor does ...


Article: Multiple Reviews

Thelonious Monk Tributes: Bobby Broom & Dominic Duval/Jimmy Halperin

Read "Thelonious Monk Tributes: Bobby Broom & Dominic Duval/Jimmy Halperin" reviewed by Stuart Broomer

Bobby Broom Plays for Monk Origin Records 2009 Jimmy Halperin/Dominic Duval Monk Dreams No Business 2009 There's something almost contradictory about Monk compositions: they're insistently individualistic, built on odd ...


Article: Album Review

Kobie Watkins: Involved

Read "Involved" reviewed by John Barron

Perhaps the title to drummer Kobie Watkins' debut, Involved, makes reference to the Chicago native's involvement with some of the highest profile jazz artists around. A regular in the bands of saxophonist Sonny Rollins, guitarist Bobby Broom, and vocalist Kurt Elling, Watkins has proven himself a stand-out accompanist, possessing a confident blend of fire and sensitivity. ...


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