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Article: Interview

Bill Stewart: Ain't No Funk In Iowa

Read "Bill Stewart: Ain't No Funk In Iowa" reviewed by Mike Brannon

This article was first published at All About Jazz in May 2002. Upon joining The John Scofield group in the mid '80s it seemed like drummer Bill Stewart just appeared out of nowhere. Of course, Scofield and Stewart did a number of tours and studio dates together while word got around about Stewart's unique ...


Article: The Revolution Will NOT Be Televised

MONK! Thelonious, Pannonica, and the Friendship Behind a Musical Revolution

Read "MONK!  Thelonious, Pannonica, and the Friendship Behind a Musical Revolution" reviewed by William H. Snyder

Introduction A butterfly met a monk in 1954. In the wake of an almost 30 year friendship they left behind some of the best music of the 20th century—Thelonious Monk the creator, Pannonica de Koenigswarter an enabler. The story of their friendship has been told before, but never quite in this way. Youssef Daoudi is the ...

Article: Under the Radar

Patto, Una Mirabolante Avventura Senza Rete.

Read "Patto, Una Mirabolante Avventura Senza Rete." reviewed by Maurizio Comandini

Siamo alla fine degli anni sessanta, Mike Patto è un ragazzone inglese con una bella voce potente e ruvida, la musica lo affascina e capisce subito che non c'è miglior momento per iniziare una avventura esistenziale che profuma di rock e di jazz, senza dimenticare la vena blues di fondo che un giovane cantante incazzato non ...


Article: Multiple Reviews

Catching Up With 2021 Releases

Read "Catching Up With 2021 Releases" reviewed by Jerome Wilson

Despite another year of pandemic-related restrictions and limited live jazz performances, there was still the usual flood of new jazz recordings in 2021. Here are a few of the overlooked gems from the past few months that deserve some recognition. Joe Fielder's Open Sesame Fuzzy and Blue Multiphonics Music 2021 ...


Article: Take Five With...

Take Five with Tony Hightower

Read "Take Five with Tony Hightower" reviewed by AAJ Staff

Meet Tony HightowerSinger/Songwriter Tony Hightower is taking up the mantle to be a bridge that ushers R&B audiences into Jazz...Real Jazz. With years of experience as a musical performer and actor with familial roots that place him firmly within the music's firmament, Atlanta-native Hightower is still just getting started on this benevolent turn in his journey. ...


Article: Profile

Miles Davis: How 9 Jazz Icons Remember His Genius

Read "Miles Davis: How 9 Jazz Icons Remember His Genius" reviewed by Rob Garratt

Like nearly every other jazz fan on the planet, I've long held an unshakeable fascination with the music of Miles Davis. Thirty years after his death, Miles's legacy, innovations and iconography continue to shape contemporary conceptions of the art form more than any other figure—his life and lessons simultaneously a road map, Holy Grail and high ...


Article: Take Five With...

Take Five with Alex Jenkins

Read "Take Five with Alex Jenkins" reviewed by AAJ Staff

Meet Alex Jenkins Alex Jenkins has always been a student of the world, especially its music. Well versed in music styles eastern and western, traditional and contemporary, Alex's sound transcends both traditions and boundaries. His expression of rhythm is most heavily influenced by his study of the tabla, a North Indian classical percussion instrument. This has ...


Article: So You Don't Like Jazz

Top Ten Kennedy Center Musical Moments

Read "Top Ten Kennedy Center Musical Moments" reviewed by Alan Bryson

It's a good bet that most of us have heard people say they don't like jazz, or even worse, drop the H-bomb: “I hate jazz." If you choose to engage them, the key is to tread lightly and tailor an approach that considers their tastes and sensibilities. This So You Don't Like Jazz column explores ways ...

Article: My Favourite Things

Francesco Beccaro e il Questionario di Proust

Read "Francesco Beccaro e il Questionario di Proust" reviewed by Paolo Peviani

Il tratto principale della mia musica Alto tasso di energia, intensa, con molta improvvisazione ma anche con strutture compositive articolate. Una sorta di inedita fusion, distante dallo stereotipo generale, caratterizzata da un suono a volte volutamente grezzo ma sempre energico e suggestivo. Ogni composizione cerca di essere un messaggio chiaro e punta a coinvolgere l'ascoltatore ...


Article: Extended Analysis

The Complete Louis Armstrong Columbia & RCA Victor Studio Sessions 1946-66

Read "The Complete Louis Armstrong Columbia & RCA Victor Studio Sessions 1946-66" reviewed by Skip Heller

Louis Armstrong officially returned to small band leadership May 17, 1947 via a triumphant concert at Town Hall that was less comeback than reaffirmation. It was even the dawn of his second great period, full of recordings that stood tall with his epochal 1920's output, and the subsequently-assembled Louis Armstrong and his All Stars would immediately ...


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