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News: Festival

Vision Festival 19: Honoring Amiri Baraka The Legacy Thru Panels & Poetry

Vision Festival 19: Honoring Amiri Baraka The Legacy Thru Panels & Poetry

Since the first Vision Festival, in 1996, Amiri Baraka has been an important presence at Vision. But way before the Vision Festival he was a champion of the music, with his seminal books on Jazz, ‘Blues People’ and ‘Black Music’. For many of the other artists and audiences who have participated each year, Baraka has been ...


News: Performance / Tour

Roy Campbell Day Memorial At Roulette

Roy Campbell Day Memorial At Roulette

On Wednesday, February 26, the many dear friends and associates of the late Roy Sinclair Campbell Jr. will gather at Roulette through the efforts of Arts for Art. The performance begins at 6:45. A Slide Show featuring The Music of Roy Campbell 6:45PM - 7:00PM Valerie Morris, Roy Campbell's sister, will recall his remarkable life. 7:00PM ...


Article: Album Review

The Microscopic Septet: Friday the Thirteenth: The Micros Play Monk

Read "Friday the Thirteenth: The Micros Play Monk" reviewed by C. Michael Bailey

If two creative star trajectories were ever meant to cross, it was those of pianist/composer Thelonious Monk and the Microscopic Septet. Sure, Steve Lacy and Mal Waldron had a pretty good Monk gig going, and Sphere was a great tribute band lead by Monk's longtime tenor saxophonist Charlie Rouse (followed by Gary Bartz). But, the Micros...here ...


News: Festival

Vision Festival 16 - June 9: An Evening of Special Projects

Vision Festival 16 - June 9: An Evening of Special Projects

The special project nights embody the epitome of the festival and the most striking contrast with the pre packaged, off the shelf bloat fests. And the events are thoughtfully timed to allow for movement between performances in the Main Stage and the Downstairs Theater, where the evening begins with the final panel discussion looking to education ...


Article: Interview

Robin Holcomb: Distinctive Mysteries

Read "Robin Holcomb: Distinctive Mysteries" reviewed by Gordon Marshall

Robin Holcomb's songs are knotty like tumbleweeds, braided like roads on maps along which tumbleweeds roll. She lays her songs down like baskets that have the rustic grace of birds' nests, always on the verge of promising a truth, but brimming with natural mysteries. Mysteries accrue, creating a keen urge to get at the kernel of ...


Article: Album Review

The Microscopic Septet: Friday the Thirteenth - The Micros Play Monk

Read "Friday the Thirteenth - The Micros Play Monk" reviewed by Glenn Astarita

One of New York City's favorites, The Microscopic Sextet's 30-year run has seen a dormant period, but has been revitalized via its affiliation with Cuneiform Records. With its fourth release for the label, Thelonious Monk's influence and eternal spirit yields a wittily entertaining facelift via the septet's customary off-center expansions on bop and swing, to complement ...


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