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Article: Album Review

Royal Hartigan: Blood Drum Spirit

Read "Blood Drum Spirit" reviewed by Karl Ackermann

Good things sometimes fly under the radar; sometimes they are great things. This has never been more the case than with Royal Hartigans's Blood Drum Spirit, a jazz masterpiece that has languished in obscurity since its 1993 recording to its eventual 2004 release. It remains largely unrecognized six years later. Jazz, especially in the US, can ...


Article: Extended Analysis

The Complete On The Corner Sessions

Read "The Complete On The Corner Sessions" reviewed by John Kelman

Much has been written about what is perhaps trumpeter Miles Davis' most controversial album, On The Corner (Columbia, 1972). Already shaken from the electric onslaught of Bitches Brew (Columbia, 1969), A Tribute To Jack Johnson (Columbia, 1970), and a series of live or, in the case of Live-Evil (Columbia, 1970), largely live releases, it was the ...


Article: Album Review

Badal Roy / Perry Robinson / Ed Schuller: Raga Roni

Read "Raga Roni" reviewed by AAJ Staff

When jazz listeners think of the tablas, only a few players immediately come to mind--Badal Roy, Zakir Hussain, and possibly the late Collin Walcott (from the group Oregon). Of them, Roy's resumé within jazz circles is certainly the most significant, with timeless contributions to the groups and recordings of Miles Davis (e.g. On The Corner, Big ...



Label: ECM Records
Released: 1988


Grazing Dreams

Label: ECM Records
Released: 1977


Cloud Dance

Label: ECM Records
Released: 1976


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