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Tech Industry Cheers for FCC Broadband Plan


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The FCC's national broadband plan has arrived. After 36 public workshops, nine field hearings, 31 public notices that produced 75,000 pages of public comments, 131 blog posts, and 335,000 Twitter followers, the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday finally released its 376-page plan for providing the country with broadband service.

The document--which was mandated by last year's stimulus bill--includes recommendations for broadband implementation over the next 10 years, touching on such things as public safety, education, health information technology, spectrum, the economy, and more. We perused the document in its entirety this morning and found a few things that could affect the average consumer. Check it out at PCMag.com.

But what is the industry saying about the plan? Major tech companies including Intel, Google, AT&T, and Microsoft have weighed in on the plan.

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